Supermassive Update: Auto-Save, Pirate Ships, Star Map Branching & MORE

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024
Game: Planetship
Planetship Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: LaserWzzrd Games
Release Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015
Hey! Since the new save functionality was tied into every part of the game it was difficult to do regular build updates, but now it and all core systems have been fleshed out. That's great news for me AND you, since now it's down to tweaking, juicing, polish and adding more content, been waiting for this day for many moons.

So here's the boxback list of stuff I've been holed up in the dev cave crunching on:


-AutoSave: The game automatically saves in the background every once in a while and at certain game state transitions and can be resumed using the Continue button in the main menu. If you want to have fun hacking around in the game the save file is an unencrypted sqlite db file.

-Star Map Branching: Now you can see the position of adjacent systems to the ones you've discovered on your star map, making it super way fun to search for habitable planets, before it was a guessing game finding one but now you have the tools to hunt your happy place down with the best of trackers.

-Alien Language Translator Minigame: If you safely land a shuttle on the surface of a peaceful planet it prompts a dialog for you to move levers around to dial in the auto-translation unit. After you learn to communicate with them it opens up a handful of diplomatic options like purchasing new shuttles or refueling the ship. Also meeting friendly aliens is just pretty cool in general.

-Off-screen Agressor Tracking: If there's a hostile entity in your system and it's aware of your presence a small red icon will track it's position off-screen, this makes combat easier and hey no one likes getting snuck up on.

-WEAPONS: Now you can pick up orbital auxiliary weapons like the P.E.W.2 (extra main weapon), Beam Cannon (after target lock can continue firing with out maintaining lock), Swarm Missiles (You can guide them from target to target after they've been launched).

-Explosive Space Gas: If an explosion occurs inside space gas a chain reaction is triggered, use it to wipe out enemies or huge asteroid clusters!

-Black Hole Creepiness: Now these strange realms have animated color warping madness with melting audio, it'sa real nice.


-Added a ton of hubble astrophotography that gets tossed around and randomly generated in each system.

-Controller/Keyboard input configuration is shown on the pause screen.

-Crafting screen highlights craftable schematics in green, previously completed ones are greyed out.


-Hostile Planet Armaments: Now these have an array of cannons that you can blow up, man these guys are tough now.

-Pirate Faction: The first pirate ship is in and is a fun challenge, especially fighting a few at a time, it gets intense! Find these guys inside their new giant asteroid base :) I love saying giant asteroid base.

-Harm Ball: In hazardous systems you can find the ominous "Harm Ball"?! (WIP)

-Gas Stations: Yup.

-More research planet actions


-Space gas no longer breaks your target lock

-Target lock cursor is larger, more opaque and pulses, making it much easier to determine whether you have a target locked in.

-1st Event log line is larger, log font is also larger in general

-Fixed intro screen input bug

-Fixed load issue, must faster now

-Book formatting is much cleaner

-Projectile fix during event

-Title screen jank dejankified

-Space gas speedup was poopular so instead it slows you down a bit

-New game confirmation keeps you from wiping out a save game accidentally

There's a whole pile of other stuff that made it into this build but it's mostly tweaks, minor fixes and man I'm tired, gonna zonk out :) Hope you all enjoy the update!

Build update thread:

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