Shattered Planet was announced as a finalist for the Canadian Videogames Awards, specifically the Fan's Choice Award! We're in the running with great games like Super Time Force and Watch_Dogs, so it'
We're honored that, alongside many great Canadian games that were released in 2014, Shattered Planet is nominated for: Best iOS Game Best Game Design Best Indie Game Best Writing Fans' Choice Award Fi
Skulls, candies, aliens, and goo -- all of this CAN be yours! At 35% off, Shattered Planet is only $9.74 for Halloween weekend! So choose a costume (Renegade, Assassin, Robot, Alien Diplomat, or Triba
Shattered Planet was announced as a finalist for the Canadian Videogames Awards, specifically the Fan's Choice Award! We're in the running with great games like Super Time Force and Watch_Dogs, so it'
If you know someone who would enjoy a game about aliens, explosions, and lasers, now's a good time to pick up Shattered Planet. It has over 200 different items to play with, five player classes, and m
We're honored that, alongside many great Canadian games that were released in 2014, Shattered Planet is nominated for: Best iOS Game Best Game Design Best Indie Game Best Writing Fans' Choice Award Fi
Last night, we revealed our newest title: Lucifer Within Us, from the creator of the Shrouded Isle. As a digital exorcist in Lucifer Within Us, you’re asked to solve murders, purify the possessed, and
Tell all of your crew-members to pick up a copy of Shattered Planet while it's only $3.75! Plus, if you haven't yet followed us on Twitter, consider doing so, because we give away free copies on occas
A year ago today, a planet was shattered. Thank you all so much for helping support our development. We're a team of four up here in Montreal, working full-time on our next game, Moon Hunters, partial
Tell all of your crew-members to pick up a copy of Shattered Planet while it's only $3.75! Plus, if you haven't yet followed us on Twitter, consider doing so, because we give away free copies on occas
Shattered Planet official site> is an attractive isometric sci-fi roguelike that captured my heart for a while after release. I mostly played on a tablet, whopping aliens during long flights and train
Hello fellow planeteers,Yes you read that title correctly, Shattered Planet is now a whopping 90% off! If you enjoyed the game then why not throw some copies at all the folks you know!Wanna chat about
As you don your mask for the weekend, Shattered Planet is a great way to fill your need for monsters and candy. It's 80% off for only Halloween weekend, so make sure to tell your friends where the bes
According to the Steam reviews, 74% of you are enjoying Shattered Planet, and it's a shame not everyone has had a try. So here's a chance to spend $3 and give it a go! According to the internet (which
According to the Steam reviews, 74% of you are enjoying Shattered Planet, and it's a shame not everyone has had a try. So here's a chance to spend $3 and give it a go! According to the internet (which
As you don your mask for the weekend, Shattered Planet is a great way to fill your need for monsters and candy. It's 80% off for only Halloween weekend, so make sure to tell your friends where the bes
Check out this new behind-the-scenes video of the Kitfox team preparing to take their next game, Moon Hunters, to E3. And, with Shattered Planet on super-sale for under $5 USD, now's the time to cash
Check out this new behind-the-scenes video of the Kitfox team preparing to take their next game, Moon Hunters, to E3. And, with Shattered Planet on super-sale for under $5 USD, now's the time to cash
If you know someone who would enjoy a game about aliens, explosions, and lasers, now's a good time to pick up Shattered Planet. It has over 200 different items to play with, five player classes, and m
A year ago today, a planet was shattered. Thank you all so much for helping support our development. We're a team of four up here in Montreal, working full-time on our next game, Moon Hunters, partial
Hi guys we are so happy to release Abo Mando on Steam on January 1 of 2016 for Windows and a Update on January 20 with new tracks, achievements and the release for Mac and Linux. Thanks for support Ab
Hi guys we are so happy to release Abo Mando on Steam on January 1 of 2016 for Windows and a Update on January 20 with new tracks, achievements and the release for Mac and Linux. Thanks for support Ab
Apocalypse is a popular topic of IF. Brian Moriarty’s Trinity explored the threat of nuclear annihilation, back in 1986; Phantom Williams’ 500 Apocalypses got several mentions here last year, from me
是因為更新後,Steam後台設定由於不明原因跳掉了,而繁簡存檔不互通。 請在收藏庫>東周列萌志遊戲上按右鍵>內容>語言>調回自己玩遊戲所使用的語言, 存檔就會回來囉!
-在預設的「跳過文字/已讀」模式下,對話框上「跳過」按鈕平時為暗色,並在重複劇情出現時為亮色,提示可跳過。 -修改女主角台詞,緩和情緒。 -修改稷下學宮上講堂、守藏室選項文字,提示可跳過。 -稷下學宮上講堂、守藏室增添女主角獨白,提示可跳過。 -演出全面優化。 -修訂所有玩家反饋的且可改的語音文字不同步情形。 -主畫面添加Instagram按鈕。 -添加「快點追蹤」成就,可從主畫面解鎖。 -稷下學
這裡是《東周列萌志》製作人小望~ 終於有機會向各位玩家好好地表達感謝。對離水三尺工作室來說,玩家支持真的就是推動我們完成遊戲的最大動力。 遊戲製作歷時六年,剛開始我還是大明湖畔一介中文研究生,讀先秦諸子哲學時深覺喜愛,便上網與朋友腦洞人設,說想把這些超棒的思想家化為帥哥角色,做成遊戲介紹給世人。然後小魚跳出來說願意幫忙畫圖。「太公望釣魚,離水三尺,願者上鉤。」兩個女生便開始了做遊戲的夢想。 當時完
寒露更新內容 -背景全面重繪。 常駐提示 -無法打開遊戲或打開後黑幕的同學,請更新電腦顯卡驅動,包括獨顯、內顯;或進入Steam收藏庫>下載,看是否下載完成。更多疑問請看「官網問答」: -青石關村現在可處處留情不會扣好感度,但還是只能跟一位帥哥出發旅行。 -陰陽家線將於其他五家各通關一輪(GE、BE皆可)後開啟。
問題修復 -修復「鐘鼓樂之」成就。 -修復「完美陰陽」成就。 -修復無法切換至簡體中文的情況。 -修正離開學堂選自己一個人走後,莊離追上時的語音錯置。 -修正名家線市集孔回亂入時的語音錯置。 -修正於語音播放時點擊選項,回顧中的語音錯置。 -修正生理期劇情「用上」字序顛倒。 -修正道家線生理期劇情「嗚」嗚然別字。 -修正墨家線稷下學宮劇情出現「孔回」字樣。 -修正簡中版陰陽家納音占卜宮商角「徵」羽
眾多玩家敲碗的二次募資,終於在嘖嘖上線啦! 除了聯名桌遊,還有西裝立牌、竹簡情書、Q版吊飾等各式各樣的周邊,等你來剁手~ 金額累計可用來解鎖一次募資未解鎖的DLC,例如黃歇線、道名後宮(一女二男)線等等…… →點我前往
更新內容 -中國大陸版現在可解鎖「秋分蝶翼」成就,將於遊玩相關段落前自動獲得。 -中國大陸版部份UI改回「本地區版本未開放此內容」。 -添加「魂兮歸來」、「宮花寂寞」結局攻略失敗提示圖。 -補上名家線臨淄旅店夜晚缺漏的語音。 -補上名家線黃昏淄水畔缺漏的語音。 -補上陰陽家線守藏室缺漏的語音。 -修正孔回立繪領口透明問題。 -修正儒家線BE「臨」近別字。 -修改共通線觀星劇情眼花「繚」亂,使用異體
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