🎮 Indiexpo

Founded by @indiexpo_net

Indiexpo allows thousands of people to discover, watch and share indie games and originally-created games. Indiexpo provides an area for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.


Founded by Rami Ismail (@tha_rami)

My goal is to make games, pay rent, and help others do the same. If your goal is similar to mine, my consultancy exists to answer the questions more general advice cannot solve, and to help you navigate the design, management, and business of the games industry.

🦇 My Soul To Take

Founded by @mysoultotake87

Join us for a spine-tingling adventure as we explore the world of indie horror games and beyond. We're passionate about gaming from all around the world, and we love to showcase different cultures and genres..

🖤 VandrahO

Founded by Van (@VandrahO)

VandrahO is an indie horror Streamer, voice actress, indie blogger and advocate for the indie gaming community. She creates awareness for indie horror games & their developers. She is the creator & founder of The Horror Hunnies - a female only discord community that supports & uplifts women in the horror gaming space. She is a proud member of the CEOSofScreams & Everbright Global gaming.

🖊️ sskgirl

Founded by @supersexykgirl

SuperSexyKawaiiGirl is a writer, creator, and gamer who loves nothing more than seeing indie devs making cool stuff. And just so you know what you're getting into, he's a VTuber who bills himself as "the world's foremost male titty streamer". Just... consider that.