Update 1.54: Olive Orchard and Ease of Use

Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2024
Empire Architect Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Batholith Entertainment
Release Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2017
Hey Everyone,

Got a pretty good sized update for you all today that touches on a decent amount of the feedback I have been getting over the last few weeks. On top of some of those fixes/added features I also have a new building which is the Olive Orchard. Olives are a food type resource, and I will be doing more with them in the future.

Patch Notes:

- New Building: Olive Orchard, Olive Orchards produce Olives.
- New Resource: Olives, Olives are a high cost food source.
- When a building is selected all of its workers will now have a blue highligh circle under so it is easier to follow what they are doing.
- When placing a new building, all other building of the same kind highlight in blue (ex, if I am building a Doctors Office, then all other doctors offices highlight in blue).
- When placing a new building, all other building of the same kind show their range (when applicable).
- Markets now show all possible resources all the time (like warehouses do), this should make it much easier to turn off trading some resources.
- All farms undesirable range has been increased to 5 from 4.
- Trade Routes in custom games are now less predictable.
- Trade Routes in custom games have a chance to buy up to 5 resources up from 4
- Trade Routes in custom games have a chance to sell up to 4 resorueces up from 3
- Custom games can now be deleted (I will try to remember to get campaign deletion in next patch).


If you are enjoying the game, please take a second and head to the game page to post a review. Reviews really help keep the traffic up for the game, and that lets me pour more money into the project. Thank you!

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