12/26 Patch Notes
Author: indiefoldcreator
Fri, 17 May 2024
1. Options menu - You can now change the key binding for next dialog. In case you want to swap spacebar with enter key for proceeding text and hiding textbox respectively:
2. Options menu - Fixed an issue where window/full screen mode doesn't reflect the toggle buttons properly when using alt+enter.
3. Intro - Camera movement tutorial will only be cleared if the player moves the camera to the right. We just added a 30 second time limit before automatically proceeding to the next phase of the tutorial.
4. Intro - Camera zoom tutorial will only be cleared if the player zoom out the camera. And just like the camera movement tutorial, we added a 30 second time limit.
5. Battle/Arcade - Updated assigned voices for Harbinger cannon.
6. Battle/Arcade - Changed the color for cleared objectives in the objective window, and added a slight animation so it's much noticeable for players.
7. Battle/Arcade - Added EMP Warheads for launchers, and adjusted Valorous Launcher so it's slower than Raptor Launcher.
2. Options menu - Fixed an issue where window/full screen mode doesn't reflect the toggle buttons properly when using alt+enter.
3. Intro - Camera movement tutorial will only be cleared if the player moves the camera to the right. We just added a 30 second time limit before automatically proceeding to the next phase of the tutorial.
4. Intro - Camera zoom tutorial will only be cleared if the player zoom out the camera. And just like the camera movement tutorial, we added a 30 second time limit.
5. Battle/Arcade - Updated assigned voices for Harbinger cannon.
6. Battle/Arcade - Changed the color for cleared objectives in the objective window, and added a slight animation so it's much noticeable for players.
7. Battle/Arcade - Added EMP Warheads for launchers, and adjusted Valorous Launcher so it's slower than Raptor Launcher.
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