Interior Worlds is officially OUT!

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024
Interior Worlds Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Developer: sodaraptor
Release Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023
Hey all-

It's finally done and out! After what started out as a small month-long project, Interior Worlds has blossomed into something I'm very proud of and excited for you to experience.

With a lot of help from @normalhumansixx, I was able to create a game about a subject I've been interested in for years now. Liminal spaces. Using the unique SLR camera mechanic, you can create YOUR OWN photos in this aesthetic- crustified, timestamped, and drenched in that moody liminal atmosphere we've all come to love- right out of the box. ​

Also- in order for me to test properly, there will be an upcoming patch out by next week which will include builds for both MAC and LINUX.

So grab the game, leave a review, and share your photos with the world!

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