Author: indiefoldcreator
Mon, 06 Feb 2023
Games have been added in the "BONUS" section of the main menu. What games have been added?
- Cycle
is a reimagining of the game (P.T. Silent Hills), using original game mechanics and sounds with a short and bizarre story. Using the same "Loop" system to progressively tell the story.
Consider this game as a horror experience where there are no goals other than walking as you progress through the game.
- Chicken Killer
is a horror/comedy game based on the trashy horror movies of the 80's. Inspired by the low-budget chinese horror films.
Being set somewhere in China, we tried to bring something different from what we usually create.
Thank you all, I'm really glad you like my work.
att Rafael Braza - 616 GAMES STUDIO.
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