1.4.2 Extinction Hotfix!
Author: indiefoldcreator
Thu, 08 Aug 2024
Game: Earthtongue
Oops! It seems the latest build had a numbers of bugs in it.. (and not this kind :etbeetle:)
(no that joke will never be old)
- Fossils were accidentally set to debug values and spawning laughably easy. Expect fossils, especially major and grand ones, to actually require maintaining a species for a long time to acheive
- Research Journals for modules were broken, but should be fixed now
- Redundant Modules should no longer be getting loaded multiple times in the module select window
- You cannot break fossils multiple times
- Mushroom roots should not longer prevent the player from cracking fossils
Thank you for bringing this to my attention to everyone!
(no that joke will never be old)
- Fossils were accidentally set to debug values and spawning laughably easy. Expect fossils, especially major and grand ones, to actually require maintaining a species for a long time to acheive
- Research Journals for modules were broken, but should be fixed now
- Redundant Modules should no longer be getting loaded multiple times in the module select window
- You cannot break fossils multiple times
- Mushroom roots should not longer prevent the player from cracking fossils
Thank you for bringing this to my attention to everyone!
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