Patch Notes

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023
Countrified Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, RPG, Simulation
Developer: Avelar Studios
Release Date: Sun, 23 May 2021
I decided to hold this update a bit to make a bigger update with more changes. This saves me time, as I don't need to package and upload to Steam. Unfortunately, it taked longer(really longer) than I thought due to some reworked systems. I hope you haven't been bored.

I want you to know that we already fix most of bugs, wich makes we close to Beta Version. I decided to call "Beta" the version wich has all the basic systems implemented, so we have a lot of features comming. The next 3 versions will be focused in to fix other bugs and change some things, then we will work in features that will make the game diferent to others survival games(for now we bring nothing new in this market). Also, i'll start to work in bring new players to make a cool player's flux in the oficial server.

Features and Changes:
- Changed the way you create a dedicated server. Now you have to download it separate to the game, still in steam(tutorial will be updated soon).
- Now you can only open bronze and iron chests placed by a allied party member(others chests everyone can open). Hosts can always open chests(when in LAN).
- Decrease items spawn's probability(75% to 50%) in their spawn window, but fixed bug that item only spawn when you are closer.
- Reworked archery system to fix bugs.
- Changed arrow gravity and velocity.
- Changed FOV - Field of View(90º to 100º)
- Changed animal spawns probability(1/10 chance to spawn hawk, 3/10 chicken and 2/10 others, against 1/5 each previously).
- Changed shoots gravity and velocity(was too fast).
- Reworked shooting system to fix bugs.
- Now coal made by camp fire has a properly slot.
- Fixed slot did not update when the first wood was burned at the campfire.
- Some performance improvements.
- Improvements and changes in Jump animation.
- Now food made by stick has a properly slot.
- Scaled some ladders to make easier to climb.
- Now when selecting a hotkey you just select it, so you have to left click(anywhere) to use it.
- The game are now translated to English and Portuguese.

- Fixed(?) bug that after respawning you loss your HUD. It was a bug caused by high ping. As this only happened when the ping was high it was hard to test, but i redo the system, and it is pretty solid now. Anyway if it happens with someone again, please report.
- Fixed bug that hit notice do not appear when shooting a player.
- Fixed when leaving and rejoining a game your sensitivity resets.
- Fixed cannot place containers on ceilings.
- Fixed containers overlapping objects.
- Fixed not being possible to place doors and windows in some buildings.
- Fixed door rotation bug.
- Fixed when passing trough a doorframe the character flicks.
- Fixed animation freeze after jumping.
- Fixed hitting while in Escape menu.
- Fixed when equipping the Cloth pants the feet change his texture.
- Fixed the hand in the middle of screen when aiming with Blazer or Honey(only happened when low res).
- Fixed arrow still in the hand when change weapon shooting with bow(now it is shooted when change weapon).
- Fixed on start to build chest all chest objects are the Clay Chest.
- Fixed all chests named as "clay chest".
- Fixed not possible to drop from Equipment slot to inventory or world.
- Fixed food and drink bar getting crazy on LAN hoster.
- Fixed spawnables's bugs.

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