Bees and Status Update on Plantera 2

Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2024
Cooking Witch Game Banner
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Developer: VaragtP
Release Date: Thu, 18 May 2017
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Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

Wanted to drop another status update on Plantera 2 since it was a couple of months since the last one! Progress is going good even though I know I have wildly underestimated the time frame! I wrote a post about it in the forums since I get questions about the status of the game:

I am still mostly working on fixing bugs and polish but I did get to implement something fun also that I mentioned in the last update. The bees. The bees will collect nectar from the plants and return to their hive to produce honey.

Just a little bit longer now..!

Add Plantera 2 to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː

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