Build update 1/8 - Update notes
Author: indiefoldcreator
Tue, 16 Apr 2024
Game: Tharsis
New build up with a bunch more updates!
-Added a link to the upcoming tutorial video in the crew select so it is more prominent than in the options.
-Fixed a bug that you could click items appearing behind menus
-Dice physics weren't rolling as much as people would like so we made them more roll-y for better rolling. (Adjusted the friction and bounce characteristics of the dice.)
-Added a news feed!
-Added entry point for the upcoming free missions and extended content.
-Upgraded Unity engine version to improve Windows 10 support and overal game stability.
-Added a link to the upcoming tutorial video in the crew select so it is more prominent than in the options.
-Fixed a bug that you could click items appearing behind menus
-Dice physics weren't rolling as much as people would like so we made them more roll-y for better rolling. (Adjusted the friction and bounce characteristics of the dice.)
-Added a news feed!
-Added entry point for the upcoming free missions and extended content.
-Upgraded Unity engine version to improve Windows 10 support and overal game stability.
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