Echo of the Wilds - v6

Author: From Steam
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2023
Echo of the Wilds Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Developer: caiys
Release Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014
- Native support for DirectInput gamepads has been added.
- Added 2 new skins (Black Male/Female).
- Added V-Sync option. Added customisable shortcut keys for Maps/Inventory/Craft docket menus, and Skip Scene which is now a dedicated key.
- Transition from evening to night is slower.
- All inventory increased by 1 per row (e.g. you can now carry 6 items instead of 5, or 12 if you have the palm sack).
- The Save Altar no longer requires food to save the game. Blackened Heart's poison has been reduced.
- You now wake up in main areas after most dreams (thus no travel time).
- Added a small narrative scene after dream 3 (the original has been moved to after Dream 1).
- The Humongous Head has been repurposed and now contains a talisman piece.
- Tool Altar: Items are now spread over the 4 altars instead of 3. There's now less chance of failing a bestow. You need to find the 3 altar chunks to activate the 4th altar. The Ashy Peddler and Ashy Sculpture have been moved to here. Ashy Peddler has been reworked.
- Successful scouting is more common. The Spy Glass has been removed.
- The health of tools have been increased.
- Orbicular Lagoon has been reworked. Growy Allotments and Branular Grove have been removed.
- Storage Box: You now get 2 separate boxes so storage inventory is doubled.
- Growy Patch: Size increased to 3 plots.
- Goat Blanky: Removes the need for a fire overnight.
- Some Mixery recipes sate hunger more. New recipes: Carrot Cake, Carroted Mash.
- Appley Tree and Borehole sub-areas have been combined.
- A fair amount of minor bits and bobs.

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