New SC:G Update at long last!

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024
Star Command Galaxies Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Early Access
Developer: Warballoon
Release Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015
Hello Star Commanders!

We would love to get your feedback on the latest beta we just put up on the beta branch.
We are excited to hear your thoughts!

So this is a 90% done version and should take about 2-5 hours to play from start to end.
We have turned off the second half of the game for now, as we think that we can tweak and balance it based on feedback we get from this beta.

So PLEASE let us know how the latest game plays, and we will be improving it based upon feedback as we make the final push!

What’s in there now:
4 adventures: Salvage, Rebel chase, Asteroid SOS, Orbital Decay.

What is done but we have disabled for now - waiting for YOUR feedback for balance and pacing:
5 More adventures: Rebel Wave, Tourist Trap, Grolbellion, Rebel Base, Ending

Those 9 adventures will be our launch title: there will also be other game modes of various sorts.
Thanks for your help! and thank you ahead of time for giving us your honest feedback.


PS to play the beta’s ‘Beta’ - right click on Star Command Galaxies in your library, go to ‘Properties’ and then ‘Beta’ and you will see the Beta branch available in the dropdown menu.

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