GameMaker Port in Progress...

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023
Labyrinthine Dreams Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie
Developer: Solest Games
Release Date: Tue, 26 May 2015
Hi all. With the Degica Games Weekend Sale going on, this seemed like a good time to announce that I've begun work on a GameMaker port of Labyrinthine Dreams. While the port is primarily a means for me to learn GameMaker, it will add some nice new features.

GameMaker Port Features

  • MacOS port. GameMaker makes it easy to port games to other platforms. It's possible we'll be looking into porting the game to additional platforms but for now we're sticking to Windows and MacOS (other platforms require additional licensing fees).
  • Increased Resolution. GameMaker doesn't have restrictions on resolution. The original title was designed around 640x480 so not too much will change initially, but I will try to work in the high-rez cutscene pictures.
    <*'>Localization. Because I have to build a custom message system for the port, I'm considering having text called in from an .ini file. This means it will be possible now to localize the text into different languages and call in the string based on language setting.
  • Misc improvements. I'll have to rebuild all the game maps in GameMaker which means I'll be making small improvements to certain areas to make them a bit more intuitive (Forest Maze 2 anyone?).
  • Additional Content? It's possible I'll be adding additional mazes that were not possible in the RMVX Ace engine. If I do, these will likely be bonus mazes that are accessible via the start menu and won't be part of the main storyline.

Here is a very early picture of the forest maze entr which is the first map I've implemented into GameMaker:

A lot of things I've taken for granted in RPG Maker are a pain in the butt to do in GM. That said, I love working in the engine and I'm excited to get more systems in place. I'll post another update once I have more noteworthy progress to share.

Let me know if there is anything else you'd like to see in the GM port in the comments. :)

Till next time!

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