Update 1.0.9167 - Changelog

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023
Game: Etherium
Etherium Game Banner
Genre: Strategy
Developer: Tindalos Interactive
Release Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015
Hello everyone,

You’ll find below the changelog of Etherium’s 2nd Patch!

We are still working on improving Etherium and providing you the best game experience possible.

Your feedback and reports are invaluable to us. Don’t hesitate to report any issue on the official forum or on the Steam Hub!

We’ll keep you updated about the next update.


We released today a quick HotFix to solve two issues:
  • Fixed: 4k and all resolutions listed above now work properly
  • Fixed: Chat in Multiplayer Lobby

  • BugFixes :
    • Fixed : Stability issues during end-games cut-scenes.
    • Improved : Stability issues when trying to return to the main from the score-screen.
    • Fixed : Pathfinding issues in some games.
    • Fixed : AI related issues in 2v2.
    • Fixed : Disappearing army icon when shielding or reinforcing a unit.
    • Fixed : Issues with secondary factions rally.
    • Fixed : Hurricanes that kept dealing damage after disappearing.
    • Fixed : Multiple issues with the retreat of units.
    • Tweaked : “Hold Fire” group order. All units in the group should “Hold Fire” when the order is given.
    • Fixed : Artillery units will now try to stay at max range when firing.
    • Fixed : Under rare conditions, the player could build two extractors on the same Etherium sphere.
    • Fixed : An issue where the quantity of Etherium mined per minutes wasn’t displayed properly.
    • Fixed : An issue where health bar of newly created units wasn’t full.
    • Fixed : An issue where in the tutorial, the player could build units before the construction of his first colony.
    • Fixed : An issue where the player couldn’t rebuild extractors after the AI destroyed it.
    • Fixed : Entering the wrong password when joining a room could prevent the player from joining the same room again.
    • Fixed : Some camera issues.

  • GUI :
    • Added : Name of the game on the window that pops-up when joining a password protected game.
    • Fixed : Feedback on the FORCES panel for the following units : Air transport, shield & reinforcements.
    • Fixed : Issue with control groups when using air transports.
    • Fixed : Some pointer display errors.
    • Updated : Feedbacks for deploying/selling units.
    • Added : Loading screen during the conquest tutorial.
    • Added : Players currently playing in the multiplayer menu.

  • Campain :
    • Fixed : Etherium should now spawn correctly on the following planets : Cyclopean Mons, Dorsum Inferno & Cavus Labyrinthi
    • AI : Campaign AI shouldn’t attack repetitively the same territory unless that territory is a palace.

  • Graphs
    • Added : The following resolutions :
      • 1600x1200
      • 1920x2160
      • 2048x1152
      • 2560x1080
      • 2560x1440
      • 2560x1600
      • 2880x1800
      • 3440x1440
      • 3840x2160
      • 5760x1080

    • Added : Variety in units fire.
    • Fixed : Small graphical glitch on Cyclopean Mons.
    • Fixed : LOD on Intar anti-air units.

  • FX :
    • Removed : Circular FXs above spy turrets.
    • Fixed : An issue where orbital canon missiles could stay forever in space.

  • Multiplayer :
    • Fixed : When the host of a game disconnects while in the pre-game lobby, he is now kicked from the game.
    • Fixed : A rare issue where a lost game wasn’t consistently considered as a loss.
    • Improved : Steam invitations.

See you on the battlefield!

Tindalos interactive & Focus Home Interactive!

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