Introducing Vindication Monopoly
Author: indiefoldcreator
Sun, 21 Jul 2024
Introducing Vindication Monopoly
Vindication is Pliston's most favourite place to eat. Whether you want something classy, or just a snack, in a what was once a derelict building, featuring one large table for 8, and half broken bar stools you can't sit on. Players can purchase fries, burgers and milkshakes from Vindication to replenish the player's health.
What's Vindication Monopoly?
Each time you purchase food at the restaurant, you will be given a sticker which can be peeled off the side of the food, giving players the potential to win up to £100,000 cash in-game.
How it works
Players need to earn three stickers of a certain colour. It's that simple!
Mustard: Street names - win 3 stickers for the chance to earn £100k
Maroon: Lane names - win 3 stickers for the chance to win a Pet Parrot*
Navy: School names - win 3 stickers for the chance to win 1M Poker Chips*
Players will be instructed with what to do upon entering the restaurant.
What's required:
Masterson Street
Milton Terrace
Southport Road
Market Street
Park Road
Additional information
A lime green marker will be displayed and will point to the restaurant so that you can easily find it until the offer ends. Vindication Monopoly finishes at 31/08.
Poker chips*
The ability to play poker is coming to players in the next update. Win 1M chips to put you ahead of the game!
Pet parrot*
Pet parrots will protect the player from attacks. When another online player steals from you, the pet parrot may attack the criminal, potentially killing them without giving the player a warrant. Parrots can be named and will constantly follow the player.
Next update teasers
The next update will feature the following (as well as another dozen new features!);
A workshop garage: This allows players to change the colour of their vehicle, and the ability to add NOS to their vehicle.
A bomb garage: This allows players to add bombs to cars that are detonated when another player enters it
A taser gun
A subway system
Vindication Monopoly starts today. Good luck!
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