Christmas Patch
Author: indiefoldcreator
Fri, 24 May 2024
Game: RPG MO
Adventure, Free to Play, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Early Access
Developer: Marxnet
Release Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015
Developer: Marxnet
Release Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015
New Features
Christmas Event
Christmas event will last until 6th of January.
Gingerbread Dough is available from mining, fishing and woodcutting.
Some of the monsters drop Ice outfit parts and others drop Ghost of Christmas outfit parts.
Tree Stump pet is available from woodcutting.
Evil Tree Stump pet is available from fishing.
Ice Golem pet is available from mining.
Gingerbread Knucles can be crafted on anvil.
Gingerbread walls, windows, floors and fireplace can be crafted with Gingerbread Dough on your island.
Ice Blade, Ice Staff, Ice Longbow, Present Longbow, Present Hammer, Candy Spear and Whisp Shield are available from Scavenger hunt.
+3 level event items are animated.
For every 500 MOS purchased 1 Lucky Ticket is given.
Lucky Tickets may contain coins, MOS and items from previous Christmas events until next event then it changes.
MOS store prices -20% until the end of event.
Holy Angel Outfit can be bought from MOS store for 600 MOS for a limited time.
Dead Bridesmaid Box is removed from MOS store after event ends.
Every Man's Land is open (safe PvP area)!
Wings and Capes up to level 150
Speed stat removed from firelord war wings.
Speed stats added for regular enchanted wings which require defense as equip requirement, after level 95.
War wings got stat alignment based on regular wings, increasing armor and power.
Obsidian, Ender gear obtainable
Ender and obsidian gears (150, 145), can be obtained. Unique sprites added for both gear sets.
125+ forging/wizardry level requirements modified.
New level ranges.
120 - 125 = Redemption
125 - 130 = Incarantion
130 - 135 = Feral
135 - 140 = Edoylerite
140 - 145 = Obsidian
145 - 150 = Ender
/screenshot command for web players
Work only when playing on your browser
Call on-screen buttons with hotkeys
Premium only
Can be used to automate some functions (works with hidden on-screen buttons too).
Deposit 1, X, all keybind
Chat command function for on-screen buttons
Premium only
Open wiki, change to specific world, etc
Pet animations support
With one pet as a test, provided by a987.
Skill quests exp rewards scale with required item amount.
Previously if you took skill quest which required 250 or 500 of the same item, exp reward per item was the same.
Now higher amount awards more exp. Therefore it is more beneficial to take quests which require more items for completion.
It will be applied to base exp calculation, therefore quest quality will multiply that.
NB: Carpentry is not included into that formula
Move Jewelry Instructor at Dorpat
Arrow displayed on top of scavenger hunt chest
Should make it easier to notice the chest in a crowded place.
Bug Fixes
Visual glitches when branches were used.
Firelord wings stats did not align with regular gear
Channel selection background missing.
When chat appears on top in mobile then the channel selection had no background and was hard to see.
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