Alien Rage Against Your Machine

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2023
Alien Rage - Unlimited Game Banner
Genre: Action
Developer: CI Games
Release Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013

Attention soldiers! We're running a video contest on the official Facebook fan page with prizes like an Alienware X51 Gaming Desktop, ROCCAT accessories and even unique branded Alien Rage prop rifles!

Do you want a shot at this, if you'll pardon the pun? It's simple!

  • Record a playthrough of the entire 2nd level of Alien Rage on the Challenging difficulty. Remember to include the level summary screen with your score!
  • Upload to YouTube with 'Alien Rage Against Your Machine' in the title.
  • Enter the contest using the Video Contest app on the official fan page at

    Weekly prizes are awarded to the most voted videos but the Alienware desktop will go to the video with the highest recorded score. The dev team will also award the awesome rifle as Developers' Choice every week!

    Full Official Rules are available in the Video Contest app.
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