Project Downfall has left Early Access !!!
Author: indiefoldcreator
Fri, 14 Jun 2024
Game: Project Downfall
Greetings Crimson Comunity,
This is it. Project Downfall has left Early Access and has gone 1.0. We hope you enjoy the game as much as we enjoyed making it!
Shoutouts to the awesome community with dedicated ones to 12OVER12, BONES, DCX, Donkeyman, Hardwater, Gamba, Nekromorg, Sinth, ShreksSon64, TF2NoobPlayer64. You all truly rock! Without your constant feedback and support we wouldn’t have managed to get as much done as we did. Ideas, detailed bug reports, balance suggestions, features….the works. We owe you all our utmost thanks and gratitude! Hope I didn't forget anyone (sleep deprivation is slowly getting the better of me;) So if I accidnetally forgot a mention, let me know and I'll update accordingly.
Speaking of gotta share these awesome edits sent in by Red Twister and LeShittoEditore. Really well done. Also you can chceck out the games discord for some fanart made by Mister Requiem and other cool stuff:
A full list of what’s new will be in the 1.0. update further below.
But first we would like to thank you all for sticking by these 4 years. The game grew to something much bigger than originally planned thanks to your feedback and we do hope you will enjoy your trip, whichever ending and route you may get. We put a lot of heart and soul into this project and we hope it shows. No updates are planned now for the time being with the exception of gameplay critical bugs and issues. If these are reported we will try to fix them asap. A general update with some additional axed content might come some time down the line.
And a heads-up regarding the OST to anyone who purchased the game during Early Access. You will get it for free and should become available in about two weeks. We will keep you posted in this regard via announcements. The OST after Early Access will be available for purchase shortly after Early Access backers get access to it.
Now without further ado, let’s move on to the final Early Access update breakdown:
V.1.0. Final Early Access Updates includes:
-Final larger community request has been fulfilled: Jukebox with unlockable tunes available in apartment after completing the intro. Other tracks can either unlocked or found ingame.
-Reworked Projectile logic. Now with penetration. In addition to the slammer, another new benefit to encounters is that players projectiles will penetrate dead enemies. No more meat shields for the enemies.
-akira gasmask clubber dedicated upped hite event upforce velocity for default deaths
-fixed head miniboss smalltime
-updated russian translation with level name translations and few other strings and updates (thanks: Kristina B)
-removed shadow loading tips for better visibility
-updated ending font and size to fix clipping
-airport grounded added details and light to second escalator topside
-azur plaza updated new shortuct passage and new OC, navmesh
-molo and resort added sea sounds
-package intro added grabage container and other smaller details to exterior area
-blowhard updated keycard gfx, updated OC
-sabotage first exit updated with steam on staircase stage cleared
-providence udpated pruchase ticket elevator with nitro
-fixed missing speaker name in safe hero
-added vinyl pickups to world (certain inlcuding nitro purcahse booth logic and event)
-azur plaza passage to loudmouth shop added connecting hotel area and loudmouth next to titan prog
-updated gasmask clubber physics
-trashbags 3d audio updated
-ent station fixed font and refs for tmpro display (thanks: Krsitina B)
-fixed unwanted loop destroy glass bottle
-new fist gfx icon
-bottles and casn destroyed versions updated
-updated esp imported (thanks: Guido)
-updated russian missing phrases ie slammer
-package exterior free updated visual and detials and visibility and mood(general overhaul)
-package interior free fixed and plugged holes in between meshes
-providence intro added multiple details and plaza square and fixed elevator ticket purchase and plaza surface sounds
-azur hub added psx 4 booth and m4dbox cinema booth for purchase
-added brain pulse anim
-updated gasmask physics softer upforce, higher torque max
-lockit export final missing text, kiosks azur plaza
-casino roof exit elvator polished
-fixed levsel text font spanish timeline
-azur hub unfinished areas poloshed up (mutlpile overhauls and larger polish to multplie areas) . now OC and navmesh update yet
-package exterior free fixed glitch reflection road
-blowhard updated aggro interior krondike on reach closed gate (Thanks: Donkeyman)
-azur hub new OC and navmesh for new sections
-YUN optimised destructible panels and RESORT
-OC updated pleasure free and opened section mindjack
-multipe new nitro unit pickups in various maps
-fixed magnum rotate in lockload VIP azur hub
-optimised streetlight texture and material
-car force azur plaza blue fixed for superkick
-added gatelock to exit azur plaza on lockdown aggro, added details to various exits
-thuglife 1st exit updated so post volume wont blind too early
-nitro pickups and vinyl esp and rus added (Thanks: Guido and Kristina B)
-pleasure free updated exit to azur north, polish and detail
-rectum dungeon added details and random event navmesh for scarier AI stalking
-added details and props to alleys and secluded areas azur hub
-added death force variation for regualr enemies
-casino elevator easier naviagtion and fixes
- dodge bulet translations added (thanks :Guido )
-titan fixed destructible static and ambient light (first and second stage)
-titan final texture wolf wall updated for better mood, noew OC and polish and optimisation
-sabotage final howler pre door move to avoid pickup through wall/door
-subway chinatown fixed closing door train and new shelf (legacy method removed)
-genesis turotial popups tweaked
-sabotage danceflor polished toilet enemy exit event and difficulty conditions
-fixed pl font 3 hours later
-updated bullet AR damage for normal and casual (30->19 and 14)
-updated anim wolf logan and upforce physics hit events
-airport smalltime added kiosks with logic pills judic and jailbreak (as added in Tengu exterior)
-contractor intro ransacked apartment and skywalks added. Updated exterior area.
-ashton plaza loudmouth added with multple kiosk shops
-prl personal updated thug pistol 1st floor to ambush from room
-start screen jukebox added lock condition for pre intro
-sabotage left saide dancefloor added a few dancers so it doesnt seem too empty
-azur hub updated cop aggro to hear gunshot of player
-start screen fixed jukebox intaraction lock for intro
-added MArcin B acid rain to LP track 8 random jukebox
-pistol and blunderbus model removed slammer condition
-Personal NRF mag shelf fix (thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64)
-start screen fixed Marcin B tune play overlap with Warsaw
-fixed idle R hand anim pipe (thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64)
-nitro gfx pickup updated
-updated special pickup activity
-plugged purchase conditions for PSX mags
-jman updated exterior facade bar (thanks: Donkeyman)
-car destroy updated destroy anim
-car destroy drag updated
-sewer enemies updated normal maps and added light vars to boss nd gun wielding enemies in sewers final
-psx pickups names fixed for kiosks in azur hub and ashton plaza
-new azur hub OC (for test preview)
-iupdated skinhead flak jacket physics
-bleedout updated for pipe and higher damage knife
-ambush fixed Precision rifle (Thanks: TF2NoobPlayer64)
-mansion interior materials updated to contrast better with enemies
-passing through added detials to loading area and fixed paper float order material
-azur hub fix cop station aggro logic
-akira controller physics hit events updated and fixed nakeda idle anim (from new logan anim)
- fixed dodge bullets translation RUS(thanks: Kristina B)
-passing through fixed wall to container area with details and props and trash in loading area
-ashton plaza added borrrn pickup album
-home unlock conditions added for m4dbox and borrrn
-azur south and north tweaks polish and updates (azur plaza main in background and props details on map, mood pevents, nitro etc)
-slumblock speical pickup added
-pleasurefree with special pickup
-azur south details and ai update
-street hub optimised AI NPC
-Run kiosk vinyl purchase added
-gatling barrel updated
-tengu pill kiosk updated and pluhhed conditions
-azur north ambient light updated and added music kiosk
-mansion interior ambient occlusion tweaked to not be too intense, slightly higher ambient lighting
-101 SD updated position text
-updated remaining jukebox tunes in apartment conditions
-azur hub updated AI tweaked for certain npc/cops in free unlocked
-tengu level details and trnasitions imroved, new detail posters, wall art etc
-pleasure fixed stair platform lower near exit and added PSX kiosk
-sewer enemy 2material fixed
-endgame text font improved
-ashton plaza slight mod to psx pickup condition kiosk
-KC grunt dedicated hit event physics added (either chooses old defualt or new chav based)
-sawn off akimbo fixed left hand shader
-Added nitro in multiple levels (providence, casino, benefactors etc)
-yun moved start positon to more believable one in conneciton with previous exit
-resort updated and polished exit
-fixed hole gutter wall dunwall cuts and updated explosion druglab
-tengu added base chainlink pickup distributor
-tengu 2nd stage added ambient lighting to make enemies stand out more and fixed/polished previous exit updates
-fillerup distributors explosions updated
-azur north details added to multiple parts of map (ie roaming crowds next to azur south exit, store front on right hand side building etc)
-rising high start fixed holes in ceiling first stage exit area
-azur hub and cloudbreak heights hub updated with new exit enter logic and from logically connected player spanw on enter/exit map
-updated interview sane conditions, details and exit(now leads to azur downtown with according start point)
-docs office exit added front door option to azur except for asylumkiller condition met
-slum bottom gutter updated OC
-oc newsfeed anim updated info for 1-0
-changelog 1-0 update info
-azur hub exit doc adjusted player spawn not to collide with trigger near docs office
-game end panel updated accordingly
-smalltime empire ending gfx reverted to old style version but updated
-smalltime sewer endgame gfx updated
-modded intro headphones on warning to be less intrusive visually (thanks: Kristina B)
-airport kc kiosks added , removed old pills, chainlink moved pickup to bench in 1st section
-lev sel fixed font ref esp timeline (thanks: Guido)
-fixed train tutorial genesis tmpro text font popups in all languages (pl, esp, rsu)
-main menu disclaimer and others fixed font display for other languages
-lev sel cloudbreak heights added ecoin unlock purchase nitro event
-tengu added unlock kiosks with logic for jailbreak and judicator
-start screen fixed jukebox unlocks and added covers to jukebox screen
-added nitro pickups to multiple maps
-added lp pickup to chinatown with kiosk
-updated loudmouth store textures and details
-added tengu unlock judicator and jailbreak kiosk
-nitro pickups added to 4 scenes with logic
-equalizer fixed start scene on restart
-sub hub added exit arrow on first pill take
-added moving platform to long section equalizer (temp disabled, prepped for debugging)
-intro train office entrance animated arrow added
-lev sel cloudbreak heights updated nitro kiosk (added layout and buttons)
-start screen added vinyl player WIP
-azur hub added deatils to titan prog entrance, various smaller details and tweaks
-updated exit confirm layout and font and game over activites
-level names spanish added (thanks: Guido)
-package start nitro coin pickup added with logic
-sabotage final details and tweaks to level
-updated cop start aggro wanted for new gang variations azur downtown
-start screen destroy ceiling lamp logic added
-deflect bullet effect particle updated and tweaked
-sabotage final navmesh tweaks
-sabot dancefloor exit updated and polished, new OC
-intro train second ent station monitor added to replace 2nd legacy/obsolete version
-sabot start updated exit area and polished
-fixed baseball bat controller hierarchy for improved hit collisions
-bus azur resort updated material to make sign destination stand out more
-audiofix: Play grounding sound only if fall was long enough.
-azur plaza added gang multiple variations/gangs, encounters, ambushes on full downtown unlocked
-updated and polished pakcage start exterior and new OC
-chinatown subway improved lighting optimalistation
-slight modification to upforce pistol and precision
-deflect bullet new particle spark explode
-added 3hours later to lickit bar (thanks: Guido)
-going places final fixed eavesdrop event not working
-updated credits with QA and Localization
-bar intro deidcated added for localised text
diner updated first aggro scene
-fixed legs attached barrista (thanks: Deathwrench)
-fixed missing pickup to katana drop
-tengu final fixed updated ecoin pickup (thanks:Red twister)
-fixed exhcange old intro dialogue,blocked off pink line paltform (thanks: DCX)
-fixed OC COD 2nd stage (thanks DCX)
-TEDDY exits event updated for both encounters (both for witness/no witness variations)
-start screen fixed flickering living room ceiling main light
-added base kill notification sound (ie shotgun side, mp5 etc)
-chinatown subway exit train move end event (1st stage end)
-lev sel cloubreak heights imporved transition details to azur plaza and plaeasure topside hub
-fixed yun crate prefabs and optimised mesh settings
-chinatown updated destructibles
-lockit update spanish translation WIP
-diner fixed hole left wall
-mansion exterior ambient light added for slightly better visiblity
-resort optimisation of sea surface
-yun added exit transitions and updated meshes and optimised
-updated skinhead start exterior rising high
-pistol regular shoot variations added and fixed muzzle flash position
-depth of field translation export for settings and added Esp
-updated Esp and Rus translations with changes/tweaks by Guido and Kristina
-Diner updated glass burst sound and ambient mix
-bazaar diner exterior updated and fix mixer assignement
-lev sel hub updated/fixed level description russian font assignement switch (thanks: Kristina B)
-chinatown details added first stage
-old friends updated destruction
-added multiple new advertisements with emission materials
-updated precision player tracer thick fron disperse particle
-providence updated elevator event with slding gate and smaller tweaks and details and raised ambient light from 0.35 to 0.5
-updated ranged bullet holes sniper to be more effective(would sometimes have missing blood decal)
-added puffoat olimp chavs orig precision death force and applied added according hit events
-pleasurehubfree fixed door slide and improved transition to pleasurehub main, fixed cop in wall and fog cloud
-providence updated conditons burt and darnell (harold chat must be done active and harold alive)
-diner tweaks
-changed default font tmpro in hud to english one
-font assignement for tmpro combos updated
-providence lower atsil elevator event updated
-reaper post volumes adjusted
-physics death dedicated updated
-casino level tweaks (casual boss HP, speed first enemy entrance, trnansitions sounds etc)
-shotgun blaster models updated spread and bullets for casual normal and hard
-pleasure hub added ent station
-cloudbreakstation free added ent stations
-intro train added WIP new entertainment station
-package transition sounds between stages added
-start screen liberator chat events home one time display fix so splayers will see multiple news info on said day
-intro train updated logo time showup
-thuglife updated exits and stage between stage transitions
-diner encounter updated
-boyz unlock conditions updated for eavesdrop event thuglife final
-weapon physics for matrix shotgun and realted levs(ie NRF grunts) should be more cinematic and varied
-ranged bullet hit event pain updated for noalpha enemi ie Yurij
-homeboys fianl added correct condition for kingston block unlocks with logic
-rising high imporeved stage transitions
-going places fixed casual enemy speed
-kingston boyzb boyz fixed ambient lighting from unity update
-added thuglife and boyz to leaderboards game list
-leadpipe mult sprite controller and anim update (WIP) with variation attack blend random
-goingplaces lighting update , updated skinhead speed for normal and casual, fixed order for floating trash cutout
-new reowrked baseball animation hit and material and new dedicated hit events
-updated baseball attack animations and added blend tree variations
-popshot and magnum physics hit event updated kill
-basekill hit event updated physics for precision and default kills and shotgn kills for speical hit events ie matrix whiteshirt security cop
-pistol bullet louder bullet thud
-updated fillerup materials interor station, updated wall destruction, updated entry to station navmesh for enemies after ambush event
-casino upeed amb light and added highlight elevaotr event end 1st stage
-fillerup polished backroom with control panel
-diner updated destruct glass panels and fixed music volume cut
-fillerup fixed OC backalley
-lev sel updated entrance to sub blue line event and details on the way
-azur plaza chinatowan passage unlock lever added /removed legacy placeholder version
-added simple npc alert and points to cloudbreak exterior freeroam
-adding remaing player weapons destroyed versions (ie popshot, MG, blaster etc)
-fixed safe code package note pickup
-fixed Ali PL chronology
-Disable SLAMMER combo for NPCs.
-fixed OC blowhoard endpart section and updated exit elevator so player can fit in
-lev sel train entry updated and polish (more cinematic)
-fixed funny games surface sounds final
-updated hit event for base chavs groups with new enviro kill effects and precisions rifle kill effects
-journeyman fixed no aggro ai base start back (thanks: Notkatsuro)
-jman updated obstacle bin so enemies dont get stuck and table in front of bar fixed/replaced with physical object
-updated audio presets with loudness, bass and middle
-airport kc and st fixed ande lev exit (polished so no hole in wall), kc airport also fixed tune end off
-dowtime updated translation tv and exported missing string and translated to PL
-topdog start exit updated event
-diner fixed audio destroy glass panels and particle on destroy
-exported fan string missing car
-Add camera shake to kick and fists.
-updated pop pils anim have equal duration to base anim
-bleedout threshold updated for shotgunside and shotgun blaster
-fixed pre empt crazy physics bench
-added preempt final room better entrance
-diner details and destruction updated and fixed error logs
-genesis final updated signs to parking/arcade and visual hint cables ground (Thanks: Donkeyman)
-gliwice letter highlight flash anim
-updated popshot magnum kill events
-added light to magnum popshot kills for more effective and visible kills
-sasha fixed bones detach gore kill
-updated magnum damage threshold finisher from 25 to 60
-yun optimised fog and added details and porp to upper part of map
-jman new exit event updated
-jman2 added detail block to tunnel expressway start
-resort optimised rainfog
-bazaar lighting tweaks
-updated dir light in going deep start
-maps updated azur plaza
-slumblock providence exit updated
-lev sel map updated to new versions
-going deep matrix level optimised lighting for destructbles
-bazaar lighting and probs great timing updated
-added blue pill to provi final and updated aggro and behav of stairwell enemy set
-j man updated finish bus terminal event to new events
-smalltime old firend updated interior, lighting and details
-azur hub fixed hole next t titan prog entrance
-updated balticus resort ticket gfx and bus texture in azur plaza
-updated particle hits and jitgroups for muleiple weapons ctd
-fixed black tracksuit enemy no hit events (tracksuit hitevent applied)
-updated popshout hitgroups to be more slammin
-updated bazaar lighting props and details
-updated chinatown passage with destructible adverts and details
-updated hitgroups for multiple weapos to be more visualy effective (mgnum, shotguns, howler etc)
-Change default aim assist strength. Don't update player inputs when game is paused.
-removed church go sign due to new door event
-Fix issue with decals being rendered above fog and muzzle flash.
-package free fixed ecoin pickup
-uno fixed destructible static
-removed one blood gore hit berserk to avoid being too loud
-yuri and czort added light to bone for better visibility
-as above for nrf sniper roof and sahsa variation
-updated casino level transtions and polish
-multiple level transitions imroved: rising high, pre empt 1, speedbump and terminus etc
-fixed holes and OC in cleaner action station map
-fixed old friend explode sound on start
-magnum popshot updated physics kill
-all lexington underpass stages updated and cleaned up, added polish and details, fixed enemy clipp mesh/wall etc
-added magnum pickup to azur hub shop
-updated hitgroup shotgun and pistol
-added magnum bullet hit gush blood kill
-added magnum and popshot kill events
-updated crossroads better connection with connected levels, updated package free with ecoin pickup and multiple details and tweaks
-updated OC hall and end event smalltime
-talltrees fixed howler pickup collision interaction
-newblood hunters and wolves eye emission added
-slumlow prov stairwell updated lighting, added end event transition, replaced old boxes and crates with updated method and destruct
-fixed static setting for multiple destructible walll prefabs
-updated hitgroups for pistol
-magnum blood and popshot kill evetns updated
-fixed typo crossroads cop PL and missing translation
-package free updated with crossroads update map
-crossroads intro polish and gerenal update to map WIP (gate lock event on adanger area enter etc)
-package free large update (added duct system with secret and how to avoid combatWIP) added shinji mikiami encoutner second floor, magnum wielding enemies etc)
-genesis PGA train section updates (look at event armory, box destroy weapons, fixed train door descript etc)
-fixed crate destroy for genesis armory
-fixed molo water texture, collide barrier bridge and death fall event
-fixed escape level break bug chat (added door block logic until condition is met)
-intro train updated PDF logo skyline visibility (Thanks:Donkeyman) and lowered manic man sfx volume
-lev sel added PL fonts to timeline popup
-train start genesis added first door footprint
-Hide unsupported languages. Remove language preview warning.
-added magnum enemy
-Add discord QR Code to main menu.
-multiple updated to lexington terminal for all variations (terminus, speedbump, freeroam)
-fixed jman bar flicker (Across all related maps)
-udpated ambush pre empt OC
-upated rising high exit to next stage transitions
-doc controller fix limb spritemesh
-thug npc fixed and replaced with new panic anim
-package final updated to that from curfew (thanks: Tamir Adas)
-matrix and going deep start barrier top start to avoid exploits
-fixed collision wall glitch in ethnic 2, rising high final, gd 2
-fixed amb light new blood
-fixed mesh glitch stairs new blood (thanks: Tamir Adas)
-fixed barin jman tip missing ref loc-kit
-fixed subhub intro PL font
-added pl translation for blue pill
-removed impact force component from legacy prefabs and replaced with current main methods and logic
-fixed chinatown subway audio mixer refs
-tweaked MArcin B intro lockdown amient to not overblow main aggro tune
-Fix settings font localization.
-Enable occlusion culling by default.
-Add interpolation to player rigidbody for better movement smoothing.
-Add press any key to warning (disclaimer in full game).
-Update blind spot calculations so it will not show for enemies one floor above.
-Format points with thousands separated by space.
-updated EC2 OC and general optimisation and elevator hole fix (thanks: Donkeyman)
-updated important pickup info and added to multiple scenes (yun, gutter witness,start screen etc)
-updated ROTK pickup to be available in toilet with olga dialogue in ng + condition
-fixed canal boss exploit for all difficulties (thanks: Sinth)
-multiple fixes and tweaks bas on Sinth priv build reports
-fixed and optimised boyz in the hood galls destruct start and other tweaks, new OC, fixed name for leaderboards (changed to Boyz b Boyz)
-ambush and pleasurdome hub fixed blacony clipping and details, new OC and navmesh
-blowhard and pleasuredom fixed flickering vol direction light at elevator area
-going places fixed holes in walls adn added detailed lighting variations to lights, fixed double door to hinge system and multiple smaller details
-yun fixed alley solo enemy no aggro(now aggro activated when climbing stairs to second part of map)
-journeyman fixed car underside texture and mesh, added enemies for hard and nightmare
-gliwice fixed skybox hole in mesh
-lucos fixed holes in walls see through skybox, new OC
-fixed luco loading area details and holes in ground, new OC
-fixed warsaw central underpassage hole in walls/see though skybox
-lev sel fixed station door intro condition to be disabled after intro complete, fixed skip morning commute mag to have same condition
-wawa train added random clouds and updated mood to scene
-Fix slammer stun with dead body.
-gamecover update uno1
-azur hub updated music end event on aggro lockwodn finished, added Lantan by MArcin B as optional random tune on lockdown, tweaks to post lockdown intensity
-updated safecode lockit update
-package safe updated
-added new hdr setting minimum and updated bloom minimum
-updated logic for minigame going deep and gfx, replaced uno in cinema with uno2 going deep
-reworked logic and evetns for package (safe code for package cloudbreak station) WIP with uno game pickup as bonus
-updated vg list with uno2 going deep
-casino roof added moody ground vol lights
-added info pickups to new items
-updated ambient lighting in cloubdbreak station exterior freeroam, casino roof(updated navmesh as well), crossroads
Phew, so that's it for the last Early Access update. So one last time: Thanks so much for you support and sticking with us all these years. Project Downfall was a pretty wild ride and the longest, largest game we have made to date. Now, time to get some sleep! :)
The Downfall Team,
Mike, Dawid
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