Updates 8.0.1 through 8.0.5

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 27 May 2023
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Sports
Developer: Erik Asmussen
Release Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015
Been putting out a bunch of updates over the past few weeks, and I wanted to post an announcement for them for anyone not following along on the Release Notes thread.

The big new features are: Steam Friends integration into room search, A room inspector to let you see who's in a room before you join, stackable inventory items, chat scrolling, and a bunch of new video and misc settings to customize your gameplay experience.

Here's the full patch notes:


  • Fixed issue where mode / level randomization was not totally random
  • AI bots will try to avoid players in their way, prevents bunching
  • Prevented error where passive bots (e.g. Juggernaut, Pinball, Teamwork) get stuck in ‘Target Threat’ behavior without being able to collect a ball, forcing them to wander and stack up near the player
  • Halved XP gain for juggernaut mode
  • Can no longer increment individual missions in Juggernaut


  • Fixed time limit matches not counting as regulation PvP for mission accounting
  • Reduced delay / stutter when saving mission progress
  • Added leaderboard for badge level



  • Crafting ingredients and DodgeCoins will now stack in your inventory. They’ll stack automatically when you launch the game. Any new individual items you’ve acquired will be stacked at this time. Items purchased off the market, that have trade restrictions, will apply to the whole stack. Crafting works the same for stacked items - it just picks one item out of the stack for crafting.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Improved formatting of end-round stats. Right-hand level / badge display only shown if player has a badge. Level label is easier to read. Bot profile pic has less washed-out glow.
  • Added back original StatBrag notification, now with particle effect and ensures that it doesn’t overlap with notification bar
  • Godlikes can no longer count as hot potatoes or mid-air throws
  • Ninjas and Alley Oops no longer count as mid-air throws
  • Fixed navigation buttons disappearing from ‘Search’ panel if the join room process failed
  • Fixed hung state if you were currently connected to a server and tried to create a match on a different server
  • Bar indicating mission progress made during round now flashes & animates
  • Fixed laser lights appearing as black bands in Glow In The Dark mode


  • Fixed issue preventing stacked Dodgecoins from being used in badge crafting
  • New menu: Options / Misc. Currently has just one setting: 'Show tips on match start'. Many more items will be added to this menu over time.
  • Singleplayer, Local Multiplayer, and Online Multiplayer now grouped as their own menu, accessible via the new 'Play' button.
  • New “Help” menu contains Guide and About links (and “Mode Details”) if in a match. About removed from Options menu.



  • Friends Integration. On the Search panel, you'll see a friendly robot head next to the player count if the room contains one of your Steam friends. (Note: this only works if the room host has updated to 8.0.5, so while this is on the beta it's not fully operational)
  • Player Inspector. On the Search panel, select a room and hit 'Info' to view all the players in the room, their levels, and whether they are Steam friends with you.
  • Chat scrolling! Can scroll chat with page up, page down, home, and end keys. Hold down page up or down to scroll quickly.
  • Added Misc option: "Show KO Text in arena". This can suppress the 3D text that appears at the location where a bot was KOd.
  • Added Misc option: “Scoreboard Hold / Toggle”.
  • Added MIsc option "Kudos filter": show all, or show only mine (default is 'show all')
  • Added ‘refresh’ button to inventory to scan for newly acquired items (marketplace or item store)
  • Added Video option: Arena Brightness. This slider adjusts the intensity of the dance club lights.
  • Added Video option: Self Particle FX - disables particle effects for ball hold / charge / and on Fire (killstreak) for the local player for increased visibility
  • Added functionality to ban specified Steam IDs from uploading scores to leaderboards

Improvements / Fixes

  • PowerUp missions no longer advanced by catching a ball thrown by a player with that power-up. Some PowerUp missions (Pogo, Super Boost, Jetpack) can be advanced by catching if you have the PowerUp.
  • Fixed null refs causing Arcade Boss particles to last forever
  • Quitting Online MP match brings you back to the Online MP menu
  • Find Match panel says ‘Random’ for mode entry if it’s a random mode
  • Added clear warning on launch if Steamworks did not initialize
  • Toned down brightness flash on ‘slo mo boost’
  • “Match Settings” to “Call vote” if not the host
  • Added team tint to usernames in chat
  • ‘No Look’ KOs are tracked
  • Changed Basic KO mission to hits required 15, reward 3 MP (down from 25 / 5)
  • Slightly improved performance gain when lasers are set to Off

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