Iron Sky Trailer

Views: 8

Release Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012
Game Description:
In the near future, mankind faces the greatest threat to its posterity ever in recorded history: an invading Nazi horde, reborn in the depths of space! An armada of Fourth Reich ships, built in secret at a hidden base on the moon, descends upon the Earth to rain terror and destruction.But this is not done without resistance.
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Early Trailer Game: Zavix Tower
Main Trailer Game: Revolution Ace
Gameplay Trailer Game: Masquerada: Songs and Shadows
Combat tutorial Game: The Monster Breeder
Teaser Trailer Game: Tabletop Playground
Improved trailer Game: HVS: Hitler VS Stalin - Battle Of Moscow
WTNC ReVamp Game: When The Night Comes
Dungeon & Adventure Game: Dungeon & Adventure
Launch Trailer Game: Heavy Bullets
Controls Game: Out of Ore
Cubetractor Trailer Game: Cubetractor
Coming Soon Game: Rock God Tycoon
Space Engineers - Warfare 2 Game: Space Engineers