The first game update

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023
Game: I, Zombie
I, Zombie Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Awesome Games Studio
Release Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2014
Hi guys,
the very first update is finally live! It's first of the upcoming few (since I'm finally able to work full-time with I, Zombie).

What has changed? In general - game was ported from XNA to Unity3D.

What it means? From now on it'll be easier for me to work with next updates - which means there'll be more of them. Also, few bugs were fixed.

Which ones? Pathfinding is a lot better, XNA-specific problems also shouldn't occur anymore, graphics was slightly improved and the game balance was changed (just a little bit).

What next? In few upcoming weeks there's gonna be some updates containing among others:
- mouse support,
- additional levels with new graphics theme,
- and finally, later on (Q1 of 2016) - level editor!

Also - sincere apologies for making you wait such a long time. I promise, I'll do better! ;)

Have fun!

Also! If any issue with update occurs try uninstalling the game and re-downloading it again. The game structure has changed and Steam sometimes has problems with checking differences. Sorry for inconvienience!

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