Warring States - Released!

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 05 May 2024
Warring States Game Banner
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Developer: polynation games ltd
Release Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018

Warring States: Tactics has been Released!

It's finally here, after a long road. At the bottom of this post you'll see a list of changes from the Beta update. From the bottom of our hearts, thanks to all of you that put up with us on this long journey for our small game.

Release Trailer

For a bit of fun, compare this to our OLD Greenlight Trailer from 2013!

New Website



The Beta was the last News announcement we posted, but we've been releasing small updates and maintaining a thread on the old Early Access general forum of the patch notes. Here is a complete list of all changes since the Beta update.

  • Improved handling of AI threads
  • Fixed error caused by killing all remaining Supply Depots in Mission 2-3 at the same time
  • Fixed issue with AI deploying cavalry on walls
  • Improved resource loading
  • Added alert for first time players to direct them to the Game Guide on the HUD
  • Improved default naming on save files
  • Fixed scrolling health not respecting the x2 animation speed
  • Fixed AI retreating sometimes getting stuck
  • Fixed AI not moving because its own units block the best path
  • Eased difficulty of Campaign 1 missions and S ranks
  • The Cursor is now confined to the game in Fullscreen when you have two monitors (use alt+tab or Windowed mode otherwise)
  • Disabled edge of screen map scrolling when the window doesn't have focus
  • Improved Windows Fullscreen support. Now by default Fullscreen means Exclusive mode on Windows and Borderless Windowed fullscreen is now a Steam launch option. Unfortunately this is a Unity engine limitation, but unlike most Unity games, we wanted to give you the option to have both.
  • Fixed an issue with retreating units not moving (related to gates)
  • Fixed Mission 4-2 Lua serialisation error after taking the flag in the city
  • Fixed a soft-lock related to killing undeployed Siege Towers
  • Errors in missions no longer use the Debug UI and now exit the mission
  • Fixed an error in Network deployment if you deployed before your opponent finished loading
  • Improved AI handling of invalid paths
  • Added Player tooltip for Battle and MP that shows a player's current tactical points, units killed and units lost
  • Fixed audio error that would occur in MP games
  • Added missing tooltip icons for Raise Morale and Salvo
  • Fixed floating text and engagement arrows appearing in Fog of War
  • Fixed Retreating units ignoring Animations Off
  • AI will now use Raise Morale correctly
  • Fixed FoW visibility not reseting after Disorganise
  • Reduced tower attack duration to speed up upkeep phase
  • Rebalanced tower damage slightly (improved)
  • Fixed Volley and Salvo sometimes selecting the same unit multiple times (causing coroutine error)
  • Improved MP data handling to remove desyncs
  • Fixed Fire damage not applying consistently between animation modes
  • Increased timeouts in MP for slow loaders
  • Fixed Salvo and Volley highlighting on gates
  • Increased damage bonus on various melee special attacks to make them still worth it on single target
  • Reduced duration on Pierce and Disorganise debuff
  • Fixed various unlocalised text elements
  • Fixed colour in game lobby screen showing game settings
  • Added unique art for new Raise Morale and Salvo actions
  • Fixed error introduced by Hotfix #4 related to Fire special attacks
  • Added unique art for some traits still using generics
  • Updated Campaign image for Mission 4-3
  • Fixed Zhao general in 4-4 being a treacherous Han
  • Fixed the Linux build
  • Restructured some assets which has reduced loading times and install size
  • Removed needless particles in specials when using Immediate animation mode
  • Fixed some AI errors with forts
  • Fixed issue with capturable buildings not counting
  • Moved an enemy reinforcement point to ouside fort in 1-3
  • Fixed the fort area in 3-1 to include all wooden towers
  • Added some missing effects for Light Cavalry attacks
  • Adjusted music intensity levels on numerous campaign missions to fit the levels of combat
  • Fixed inconsistency in retreating units when their path is blocked
  • Fixed numerous desync issues in MP related to edge case combinations of abilities
  • Adjusted stats on faction-specific units to differentiate them from their generic versions
  • Fixed enemy units self-deleting in the last phase of 4-2 when retreating to the gate
  • Added Tactics bonus for burning enemy units and even more for burning wooden enemy buildings
  • Added Catapult and Balista as deployable units in non-Siege battle/MP maps
  • Adjusted Deploy areas for Siege battle/MP maps so the defender can deploy anywhere in a castle/fort initially
  • Enabled S Rank achievement
  • Fixed score display in 4-2
  • Fixed error in 4-2 when your units transport into the city
  • Added 'Detailed Tactics Points' option to toggle the detailed information about where tactics points are earned
  • Improved layout of Detailed Tactics Points to no longer wrap, and be on the second line below the actual point value
  • Increased damage on Swordsman Rushing Blow
  • Lowered damage on Crossbow Pierce attack
  • Reduced Tactics Bonus for Spear vs Cavalry advantage, since it's so easy to get
  • Fixed Spear holding units getting the Spear vs Cavalry combat bonus when engaged with another unit. They should only get the bonus when they fight back.
  • Fixed destroying a siege tower with a unit on top not removing said unit
  • Fixed more inconsistencies in Immediate Animation mode vs Normal
  • Fixed potential desyncs in Multiplayer when players had different animation modes
  • Reduced number of lights in 4-2 for performance
  • Added missing effect for the start of Horse Archer special move and Fire Attack special
  • Fixed flags not updating when castles change ownership
  • Improved spacing on scrolling combat text
  • Moved some deploy positions in Attacker vs Defender MP maps to be closer
  • Fixed an issue with save file names
  • Fixed units being able to occupy the same tile of a fleeing unit that was initially out of sight due to fog of war
  • Fixed ambush not triggering when moving next to a hidden unit inside a forest
  • Fixed Sword Faint not breaking engagement on immediate mode

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