We're Back Online!

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2023
Dragons and Titans Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Indie, RPG
Developer: Wyrmbyte
Release Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014
Hello everybody! Sorry for the long downtime. One of our primary servers was taken down by ransomeware.

The good news is: We're back online!
The bad news is: Due to corrupted backups we were unable to recover a lot of data. Most of you will probably find that your accounts have been reset or you lost a lot of progress and items. :(

To try and make up for this, we are doing the following:

  • All Steam DLC you purchased will be restored when you log in.
  • Any in-app purchases that you ever made will be restored when you log in.
  • All "Unlocked" acheivements that were tracked by Steam are restored in-game, however progress is not.
  • The Titan Pass is now unlocked forever, for anybody who has ever bought one in the past or anybody who buys on in the future, even if they had expired.
  • If you ever purchased multiple Titan Passes, you will receive an additional one of every Dragon and Weapon for each.
  • Any player that started playing before the data loss will receive 50 Dragon Egg Packs and 100,000 Crystals when you log in.
  • And finally, there will be double XP and Crystal rewards for the next month (which means 8x crystals for Titan Pass owners).

Again, we're very sorry for this. If you have any questions you may contact us at http://support.dragonsandtitans.com

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