Blockland r1918

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023
Game: Blockland
Blockland Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation
Developer: Eric Hartman
Release Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013
This update fixes some bugs and improves handling of steam network outages, which we seem to be having a lot of lately...


  • Fixed DIERR_NOTACQUIRED keyboard input failure if you alt+tab while steam overlay is up.
  • Improved handling of steam network outages, will now work if you have auth'd once before and your configuration hasn't changed
  • Fixed playerlist not showing max players or servername when joined via steam
  • More echoes added to steam api init
  • Fixed cases of being promted to enter a key when steam is down
  • Improved handling of steam offline mode
  • Fixed case where attempting joining a full or passworded server via steam would result in no main menu buttons
  • steamClearAchievement() now works

The keyboard/overlay fix may also effect the "random key takes a screenshot" problem, let me know because I cannot duplicate this issue.

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