Update 1.2 - The VEZ Update

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 04 May 2023
1 Screen Platformer Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Return To Adventure Mountain, LLC
Release Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2019

Holly heck I thought this was going to be, you know, a little patch that kind of fixes some little things. But whoa boy it was not. There was a lot that went into this one.

Note: To get this update sometimes you have to close steam and then open it again and it will download. ALSO if the game immediately crashes when you open it, uninstall the game from steam then reinstall (your level progress will still be there, don't worry.) You will know you have the right one if you get a red splash screen and on the main menu there is a 1.2 in the bottom right corner.

1) First off, the big one. The Vez levels are now a lot easier. I know. I watch the stats. Nobody gets very far in his level. So I cleaned up the nav orbs so they are in a much more manageable spot. Get to it. If you gave up on Vez, try it again I think you will have a much better time.
2) I added music! I thought the subtle thumping of the giant stone heads of azergoth, and the wailing guns hurtling hunks of hot lava would be enough of a soundscape, but no. Everyone was really wanting to have a sound track to listen to while they died over and over again. So I give you the new backing track: It is called “BushWeek.” Great song. Terrible Title. I would have called it “Theme of a 1980s action film where the team comes together and starts build a totally boss tank out of metal scraps hanging around the warehouse so they can infiltrate the bad guy’s secret headquarters” But that’s why I don’t get to name song titles. Try it out on any of the levels.

Here are a bunch of other changes I don’t think you would notice unless I told you about them:

  • Buttons are bigger on the main menu. Sweet change right? I know you were complaining about that Carl. Well here you go stop bugging me about tiny buttons. Carl!
  • Actually the select difficulty is now on the right side of the screen so that we don’t cover up the character names. Who put that menu there before?
  • See this little icon. FULL!CONTROLLER!SUPPORT! Seems like a minor achievement. But that little 16x16px badass cost me 49 hours worth of coding to completely rewrite my GUI code. I sure hope you enjoy it and use your controller a whole lot.
  • There is now a big red title screen with my big fat name on it.
  • Added a sign right at the start of x97c’s level that says “MUST GET 100% fog.” A lot of people were playing thinking they had to get to the end and then at the end it was like NOPE! go back and get all the fog. Sorry for not telling you at the beginning. Hope this clarifies things.
  • Debug is no longer toggled by just pushing “T”. Too many muggles were just doing that by accident and then emailing me asking what was with all the boxes. Now to view hitboxes you have to go into settings enable debug mode. Then in the game pushing “T” will turn on the debug mode.
  • Added keyboard menus to the mailing list signup page when you use a controller so that you dont have to get up walk over to your computer and type in your email information. All you have to do is smash the action button while in a text field and the keyboard will popup.
  • You now get a little “Are you sure?” Message when you try to clear your data. No slip ups this time.
  • There was a bug where if you just walked up and touched that timed door that protects the golden skull it would just open. The door was totally unlocked! You didn’t even need to hit the switch. I am surprised nobody figured it out.

That is all for now Scamps! As always email me if you have questions or post in the forums. I always answer them. IAMCHRISZUKOWSKi gmail DOT COM!

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