Update 1.1

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2023
Game: Taur
Taur Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Echo Entertainment
Release Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020
Hello commanders!
The first content update for Taur is now live. A short overview of what's new and what's changed can be found below, with the full changelist further down. If you have any feedback or ideas for future updates please let me know in the pinned post over in the forum!


  • 4 new maps added
  • 33 new techs added to the Research tree
  • War Zone resources are now gained piecemeal during battles in a total of 3 stages, instead of during the post-battle screen
  • Reworked Air Raid, Siege and Skyfall battles. Their spawn intensity and total duration are now more consistent with Invasion battles
  • Taur structure slots can now be demolished and rebuilt in the same battle
  • Reduced randomness of War Zone rewards and they now scale based on overall campaign progress as well as by the level of resistance in the War Zone
  • Overall campaign difficulty increased
  • Added a controls screen to ingame menu. Will be replaced by a customizable key-bindings screen in a future update
  • Additional support for ultra-widescreen resolutions implemented
  • Various bug fixes and balancing tweaks

Version 1.1 - changelog:

  • New desert map added: Sand Pits
  • New jungle map added: Green Abyss
  • New snow map added: Freezing Isles
  • New temperate map added: Skywood
  • New tech added: Targeting Amplifier, increases the maximum range of Raptor turrets by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
  • New tech added: Rapid Fire, increases the reload speed of Raptor turrets by 50%
  • New tech added: Cryobeam Booster, increases the maximum range of Hydra turrets by 10%/20%/30%
  • New tech added: Subzero Impact, increases the duration of the Hydra slow effect by 20%/40%/60%/80%/100%
  • New tech added: Deep Freeze, increases the slow strength of Hydra turrets to 50%/75%
  • New tech added: Volatile, increases explosion radius of Chimera shells by 10%/20%/30%
  • New tech added: Inferno, Chimera turrets burn targets hit for 1/2/3/4/5 damage per second for 5 seconds
  • New tech added: Heavy Barrage, increases Chimera max ammo to 2/3
  • New tech added: Charged Lasers, increases the maximum range of Talos turrets by 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%
  • New tech added: Fast Recharge, increases the reload speed of Talos turrets by 25%/50%/75%
  • New tech added: Rapid Launcher, increases the reload speed of Sam Site turrets by 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%
  • New tech added: Heavy Payload, increases the damage of Sam Site turrets by 15%/30%/45%/60%/75%
  • New tech added: Fast Reload, increases the reload speed of Striker turrets by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
  • New tech added: High-Powered Rounds, increases the max range of Striker turrets by 10%/20%/30%
  • New tech added: Sustained Fire, increases max ammo of Striker turrets by 1/2/3
  • New tech added: Shattering Shots, targets hit by Striker turrets suffer 25% more ranged damage for 3 seconds
  • New tech added: Decimate, increases damage of Decimator turrets by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
  • New tech added: Relentless Fire, increases reload speed of Decimator turrets by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
  • New tech added: Shredder Rounds, gives Decimator rounds a 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% chance to pierce through infantry hit
  • New tech added: Kinetic Shots, gives Decimator rounds a 100% chance to knock down infantry hit
  • New tech added: Obliterate, increases Obliterator damage by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
  • New tech added: Ceaseless Fire, increases Obliterator reload speed by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
  • New tech added: Unstoppable Force, enables Obliterator shells to completely bypass enemy shields.
  • New tech added: Destructive Ammo, increases Interceptor damage by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%
  • New tech added: Cryo-Shots, Interceptor projectiles slow down enemies hit by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% for 3 seconds
  • New tech added: High-Impact Rounds, gives Interceptor rounds a 100% chance to knock down infantry hit
  • New tech added: Titanium Plating, provides Interceptor aircraft with 30/60/90/120/150 armor
  • New tech added: Hardened Hulls, increases Spectre aircraft max health by 20/40/60/80/100
  • New tech added: Titanium Plating, provides Spectre aircraft with 20/40/60/80/100 armor
  • New tech added: Carpet Bomb, increases Spectre aircraft payload to 3 bombs
  • New tech added: Hardened Hulls, increases Cyclone aircraft max health by 30/60/90/120/150
  • New tech added: Titanium Plating, provides Cyclone aircraft with 50/100/150/200/250 armor
  • New tech added: Searing Beams, increases Cyclone aircraft damage by 25%/50%/75%
  • War Zone resources are now gained piecemeal during battles in a total of 3 stages, instead of during the post-battle screen (which now shows the total amount of resources aquired from the battle). Being defeated too early in a battle may result in the player losing out on some War Zone resources
  • Reworked air raid, siege and skyfall battles. Their spawn intensity and total duration are now more consistent with Invasion battles
  • Taur structure slots can now be rebuilt immediately after being manually demolished
  • Resource refunds for destroyed structures are now given at the end of a battle instead of immediately after a structure is destroyed/demolished
  • Reduced randomness of War Zone rewards and they now scale based on overall campaign progress as well as by the level of resistance in the War Zone
  • Added a controls screen to ingame menu. Will be replaced by a customizable key-bindings screen in the future
  • Added On/Off setting for tutorials in Options screen
  • Added a tutorial explaining the new resource gain mechanic
  • Additional support for ultra-widescreen resolutions implemented
  • Campaign difficulty after day 10 increased
  • Tutorial highlight text removed
  • Retargeting AI improved for fighter, bomber and gunship aircraft, increasing their attack frequency
  • Weatherpeak map reworked: New path for Imperion units + increased player line of sight
  • Any projectiles that hit a crashing aircraft now have a chance to cause the aircraft to explode
  • Startup music now plays campaign music as well
  • Fixed a bug where the music volume slider had no effect on boss music
  • Fixed a bug where some Taur turrets would sometimes begin aiming upwards in the air once their target was killed
  • Fixed a bug where fighter aircraft would sometimes move incorrectly when chasing a target
  • Fixed a bug where infantry would sometimes jitter when pushing each other to move forward
  • Aegis shield upgrade costs increased
  • Increased Mammoth speed by 20%
  • Increased Helios speed by 25%
  • Increased Raptor rotation speed slightly
  • Increased Hydra rotation speed slightly
  • Increased Striker rotation speed slightly
  • Increased Decimator rotation speed slightly
  • Increased Obliterator rotation speed
  • Hydra slow strength reduced from 50% to 25%
  • Hydra slow duration reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
  • Reduced Chimera explosion radius from 6 to 5 meters
  • Increased Talos reload time from 1 to 3 seconds
  • Increased Raptor accuracy
  • Reduced Striker damage from 75 to 50
  • Reduced Striker accuracy slightly
  • Increased Striker reload time from 5 to 8 seconds
  • Increased Decimator projectile speed by 10%
  • Spectre bomb explosion radius reduced from 8m to 7.5m
  • Spectre speed reduced from 18m/s to 15m/s
  • Cyclone speed reduced from 12.5m/S to 12m/s
  • Cyclone base armor reduced from 100 to 0
  • Havoc base reload time reduced from 8 to 4 seconds
  • Ravager base reload time reduced from 10 to 6 seconds
  • Tempest base reload time reduced from 15 to 11 seconds
  • Destroyer base reload time reduced from 20 to 17 seconds
  • Cryohawk base reload time reduced from 10 to 7 seconds
  • Cleaver base reload time reduced from 14 to 5 seconds
  • Destroyer base damage increased from 300 to 500
  • Cleaver base damage increased from 200 to 400

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