Release: February 22nd! Finally making Shift Happen!

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 02 Mar 2024
Shift Happens Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Klonk Games
Release Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017


I can't believe I am actually writing these words but we have a final release date for Shift Happens:
February 22nd, which is roughly one week after Valentines Day.

We couldn't be happier about it! Therefore I'd like to point out again that we are very grateful for everyone that supported us by either buying the game in Early Access, giving us feedback, writing a review or simply telling us that they like it.
Considering that Shift Happens most certainly wasn't an ideal type of game for an Early Access title (linear playthrough, depending on lots of content, very co-op), we still think it was good to put it out there and have the players take a look. We also learned a lot by going through the process and will take that experience into consideration for future projects.
We hope you are as excited as we are and are looking forward to the 22nd.

Livestream today

We will also have a livestream @ CET 7pm with Nora, our character artist and Simon our Shader/FX and 3D Art guy today on twitch creating some new hats for the game.


Team of Klonk

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