The A Foretold Affair Soundtrack is Temporarily Available!

Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2024
A Foretold Affair Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie
Developer: GB Patch Games
Release Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017
Hey everybody, we've got some wonderful news. The AFA soundtrack wasn't made with the intent of being sold as a separate item, that's why it's not available anywhere. But we've gotten temporary rights to include it as an Add-On in a Kickstarter Campaign that's going on right now! You can back that project for as low as $1 then add an additional $7 to get yourself the full version of the soundtrack. The AFA soundtrack includes 20 tracks; 14 unique songs and 6 alternate versions of songs.

Kickstarter Campaign

We most likely won't be able to make the soundtrack available again after this campaign ends.

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