PPO EA Build 3: In-game CHAT, Performance, Discord

Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023
Cortex Command Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Data Realms
Release Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012

It's been really cool seeing people have so much fun with the various game modes since launch - and it's a blast to be joining you from time to time too!


We have also been working hard on nailing the biggest issues people have been having with Planetoid Pioneers Online, and this update addresses the performance one in two big ways:

  • First, multi-threading of the physics is working again - now alongside our perfectly deterministic networking system! That was not easy to track down.
  • Second, we have improved the way objects on the ground are being cleaned up during long or intense gameplay sessions.

Both these optimizations together have a huge impact on helping people with slow computers not also slow down the simulation for everyone else in any particular game. Read more about that here.


The really neat thing coming out today though: The coolest in-game chat you've ever seen! Comic-book style speech bubbles over your Pioneer's head... cooperate, coordinate, and taunt - but try to keep it civil, please. We're working on a muting feature, so if what you're saying isn't appreciated, other players can just muzzle you.


We have opened up our community Discord server to everyone, and made all previous Contributor Edition owners special members there. Come join us to coordinate games with people, edit game modes, and talk shop: https://discord.gg/0uOKhubnen2sJ6bl



  • In-game chat using comic-book style speech bubbles! Just press
  • Improved performance with parallel physics solver
  • Improved performance with better scene clean up script
  • New Menu!
  • Better waves in Wave Defense mode, getting much harder!



  • Added ServerMan
  • Added active games count
  • Added discord buttons
  • Added and bound c2d:SetMainWindowTitle()
  • Added and bound GetAimPointRel
  • Added effect to saw if thrown while activated


  • Prepared hosting and downloading workshop scenes
  • Implementing chat to network and server, wip
  • Input updates for game chat
  • Game chat, wip
  • Updated PP build number
  • Changed bubble font for more readability in chinese locale
  • Updates for chinese font to be more readable
  • Showing other lobbies count wehn in lobby
  • Using aimPointRel() in pioneer
  • Set outline color in old write to screen functions back to black
  • Updated build number for the coming perf update!
  • Enabled play while waiting, returning player to lobby if someone joined
  • Finished new scene:Write and WriteUpdate functions
  • Trap death effect
  • Stricter clean up including old tools and other assembled stuff, tweaked some blueprints to die for clean up
  • Removed out announcements from bomb ball since they dont count as typical outs anyways
  • Respawn protection effect also in pioneers tools


  • Added server and lobby count to play while waiting, fixed some errors and warnings
  • Fixed Write javascript error
  • Fixed parallel physics solver for determinism
  • Fix:ignoring hologram MOs in auto-mounting joints
  • Fixed disconnect reason was nulled in discovery state, added kicked from lobby/game
  • Fixed blueprint category sorting when translation is missing
  • Fixed camo engine not dying when removed from body
  • Base def: improved performance, fixed negative wave counter
  • Fixed ppo settings in pp
  • Fixed pioneer jumping in opposite direction if cursor behind sometimes
  • Room rush: fixed now showing "final arena"

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