Official Website & New Projects

Author: From Steam
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024
SHINRAI - Broken Beyond Despair Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Developer: Gosatsu Visual Novels
Release Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016
Seeing as it's been almost half a year since the last one, we've decided that another news post is in order!

As always, we'd first like to thank everyone who has bought SHINRAI since then, recommended it to others, or left us with their impressions in the form of comments, direct messages or even reviews. We're truly grateful, especially for feedback, as it helps a lot with the development of future titles!

Speaking of which, we are actually working on two new projects at the moment. If you've been following us on social media, you might have even seen that we have finally started to reveal more about one of them! If you're curious, please head over to our new website to learn more:

As of right now, you will only find teaser pages, but more information will be added soon.

From now on, you will also find our weekly blog posts there (posted every Saturday), which will talk about the development process and give occasional sneak peeks at what we are working on.

Since both projects are currently still in the earlier stages of development, we would like to once again encourage you to give us your feedback. What did you like about SHINRAI? What did bother you? Please let us know, so that we can improve our next visual novel accordingly!

Your input really matters to us and, right now, we're still a long way off from reaching a point where significant changes will become difficult. So please use your chance to voice your opinions now!

With that said, if you've gotten/are planning to get SHINRAI during the current summer sale, we hope that you will enjoy it! And we also hope that you'll be having an enjoyable summer in general, unlike these two...

Take care!

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