Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025
Barbara-ian Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Owlbear
Release Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017

Today/tonight, or whatever time this message beams into your eye sockets, we have a super special update! We abandoned our previous plans of Mimicry and other tomfoolery because they all sucked, and instead decided to bring to you…


… because they are totally more awesome.

“The Goblins delved too deep and too greedily when they dug the Dungeonland mines. Hungry for magic mushrooms, they ate too many and awoke an ancient evil, the mine shafts collapsed and they had a helluva hangover the next day…”
- Unknown, but clearly very wise source

What you’ll find when you launch the game is that aaaalll the dungeons have been replaced with mines. There is NO NEED FOR PANIC, the dungeons will be returning very soon! For the moment we want to force you all to play the mines so we can stress test them, and makes sure they are up to scratch, since this is a big change.

What you can expect over the next couple of weeks is, as mentioned, Return of the Dungeons, as well as implementing new behaviours for mine objects such as the Minecarts (which will be turning into Rolling Death Carts), as well as a whole host of fixes & performance improvements.

These mines are part of our Master Plan™, and the next major step will be filling these mines with a whole new set of enemies! We’re super excited to get these new guys into the game, we have big plans for how to change up the established gameplay and throw some serious curveballs your way (because obviously the game is far too easy right now…)

Finally, this update brings a whole new feature, Price Increase! This was *by far* our most requested feature (not true), and it’s only due to *massive* public pressure that we’ve introduced this incredibly innovative feature (absolute lies).
In all seriousness, this is in line with our stated plans to raise the price steadily over the course of Early Access as more content is introduced to the game.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend



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