Woo! Version 1.15 update and Winter Sale

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024
Signal to Noise Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Solanimus Inc.
Release Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015
Woo! Just finalized the update for Signal to Noise version 1.15. In this update you can enjoy the following changes from the previous version and more:

Bug fixes:
-Tutorial blocking fixed: all systems, regardless of performance ability, can successfully run all sections of the main tutorial
-Fixed "invincible death" glitch
-Escape mode now actually spawns health too!
-Various other fixes

Feature additions:
-Leaderboards structured a bit differently, so that you can PWN MOAR NOOBS
-A few new lighting effects
-More obvious enemy coloring

Miscellaneous changes:
-Tutorial adjustments so that it's easier to understand the first try
-UI adjustments
-Tons of performance improvements; especially on weaker systems
-Slight timing and physics changes
-Strategic and balance changes to Boss Mode and Escape Mode
-Health Freeze spawns in more reasonably-achievable circumstances
-other things I don't remember

This is the final update for 1.1x. Previous 1.1x changes include the following:
-Innumerable bug fixes
-Player death is a lot clearer now
-Timing and speed relations between mechanics a lot tighter now
-Extreme changes in technical optimization (over double framerate on some machines)
-Completely redone menus
-On-screen messages for powerup activity in game
-New graphical assets for a ton of the 2D images
-Improved algorithms for audio analyzation. Clearer now, and more understandable.
-Player ability to hold multiple powerups
-Skippable intro cinematic when beginning gameplay
-Optimized splash screen for lower-end machines
-Camera movement bug fixes
-Boss mode greatly changed strategically and technically
-Escape mode revamped
-Controller support improved
-Leaderboards revamped; more understandable and better designed for competition
-Scoring designed to be more fair and understandable
-Playlist ordering bug fixed
-Playlist saving ability on music selection screen
-Ability to create tabs for specific folders and files on music selection screen
-Casual mode for beignners and for practicing (also has leaderboards)
-Options/Settings improvements
-Health now looks like health instead of something dangerous
-Enemy movement with music technical optimizations
-Some loading optimizations
-Boss maintains HP between cycles until a defeat
-Failure to defeat boss in time results in skipping bonus escape mode
-Powerups visually redone, spawn in bottom-center
-Boss Omega attack now damages player as originally intended
-Bomb usable in dodge mode to clear obstacles
-Bomb usable in boss mode to destroy boss armor
-Dodge mode revamped for fairness and clarity
-Score text has gaps for clarity of number
-Different ship statistics adjusted; more strategic, noticeable and understandable now
-Unlocking requirements for some ships changed
-Health freeze now visually represented as a force field type of shield
-Boss laser interruption no longer makes boss invincible
-Boss crystal lens flare removed
-Boss moves and attacks faster
-Some sound effects polished
-Some sound effects have pitch adjustment
-Gameplay feedback improved
-Powerup timer visual
-Powerups spawn in more understandable gameplay circumstances
-Achievement recognition no longer requires Steam client to be open once unlocked

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