KFY 1.06

Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024
Kill Fun Yeah Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Arctic Anteater
Release Date: Fri, 30 May 2014
* Added: Basic offline play. (connecting to local server without logging in)
* Added: Loading screen. (except on OS X)
* Added: Subdirectory support for various user data.
* Added: Editor top menu.
* Added: Editor map resize functionality.
* Added: Map script example: Tile Basics
* Added: Map script example: Moving Tiles
* Added: Map script example: Tile Text
* Added: Map script example: Projectiles & Grenades
* Added: Map: Pile of Sand
* Added: Map: Chairs
* Added: Music Track: Nice Time Winning
* Added: New Lua bindings for kfyMap.
* Added: New Lua bindings for kfyRound.
* Added: New Lua bindings for kfyPlayerManager.
* Added: New Lua bindings for kfyProjectileManager.
* Added: New Lua bindings for kfyGrenadeManager.
* Added: New Lua bindings for KfyPlayer.
* Added: New Lua bindings for KfyProjectile.
* Added: New Lua bindings for KfyGrenade.
* Added: Client command-line argument: --editor
* Added: Client command-line argument: --create-map
* Added: Client command-line argument: --edit-map
* Added: Client command-line argument: --play-offline
* Added: Client command: respawn
* Added: Client command: moveto
* Added: Client command: movetomouse
* Added: Client command: god
* Added: Client command: getweapon
* Added: Client command: getitem
* Added: Client command: getpu
* Added: Client command: setpubit <1/0>
* Added: Client command: getblocks
* Added: Client/server command: restartmap
* Added: Client/server command: reloadmaplist
* Added: Client/server command: reloadmap
* Added: Client/server command: reloadmaps
* Added: Client settings variable: ShowPlayerNames
* Added: Client settings variable: ChatToConsole
* Added: Client settings variable: LogToStdOut
* Added: Client settings variable: LinuxServerTerminalCmd
* Added: Client settings variable: BkgGradientColorIn
* Added: Client settings variable: BkgGradientColorOut
* Added: Client settings variable: BkgGradientNoise
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiLabelColor
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiLabelColorShadow
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiButtonColor
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiButtonColorSelected
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiButtonColorText
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiButtonColorTextSelected
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiCheckBoxColor
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiCheckBoxColorBorder
* Added: Client settings variable: GuiCheckBoxColorSelected
* Changed: Merged client and editor applications.
* Changed: Max map dimension to 2000 tiles.
* Changed: Editor screen rectangle now scrolls half a screen past border of maps.
* Changed: Editor screen rectangle now centers on map center on load.
* Changed: Editor minimap scaling is now more flexible.
* Changed: Editor minimap selection overlay is no longer visible when map is smaller than screen.
* Changed: Various shader changes and added some better blur + noise to reduce banding artifacts.
* Changed: Removed fade-to-black on exit from server to get back to menu/lobby quicker.
* Changed: Lowered Fredrik stun duration.
* Changed: Increased rate of fire for Infernus and made its projectiles ignite players on impact.
* Fixed: Electrooms can no longer do 5 additional damage.
* Fixed: Minimap refresh on undo/redo in editor.
* Fixed: Config files can no longer have entries with empty names.
* Fixed: Billy blood direction.
* Fixed: Projectile penetration.
* Fixed: Spreading fire now creates new sound sources correctly.
* Fixed: Connecting players can now hear burning sound of players who are already ablaze.
* Fixed: Single weapon sounds can no longer be heard after death.
* Fixed: Team scores now always show up correctly upon joining a new server.
* Fixed: Editor minimap no longer detects mouse movement if it wasn't under the mouse cursor on click.
* Fixed: Missing config files are now recreated correctly.
* Fixed: kfyMap:tileGetBounds now works as intended.
* Fixed: Graphic glitch that could occur when exiting settings screen.
* Fixed: Screen rectangle is now always set up correctly when joining a server.
* Fixed: Some problems with mouse activity outside of game window.
* Fixed: Players no longer appear to be falling briefly when spawning on solid ground.
* Fixed: Local player spawn flash sprite now has correct orientation close to map edges.

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