What happens next..

Author: From Steam
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024
Game: Incorp Inc
Incorp Inc Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Jippo Media
Release Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2017
When we started this we just wanted to create a small game where you could create a push button company and just play around.


The game has grown a lot since we released it on Early Access and we don't want it to be just a small game anymore - we want to make into a really great game with as much content as you can possible imagine for this type of genre.

We have also had a lot of help from you guys who has reported bugs and mailed us with tons of ideas and features that you would like to have.

So therefore we have decided to do this:

The basic idea of the game that we wanted to create is now done. We have added everything we wanted to include from the beginning and now we want to move out from the early access section so that we can have even more pressure on us.

The next step is to make the game into something really different. You will be able to upgrade your way up to creating products and design your own things.

We have posted around 20 updates since we launched the game here on Steam and that is just 1 month of work.

When we launched the game it was 38 mb and now it is roughly 110 mb. We will work as hard as we can the following coming months to make this game as great as possible and as fun as possible.

And the best part is - We will never make any expansions or anything like that, you will be given everything when you least expect it!

Basically what this means is that:

We are going to start working on implementing "Box companies" and more multiplayer features.

Squadleader32 out,

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