Update (v3.71): StarMap Updates, Boost Toggle Option & Performance Tuning

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024
Game: Planetship
Planetship Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: LaserWzzrd Games
Release Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015
HEY THERE! There's a few new updates I'd like to share with youse guise and I think you're gonna like em:

-The Star Map now highlights the zone of the selected system making it easy to hop to your preferred space-type destination. The planetary info panel is color-coded to make it faster to find a planet with the resource you're looking for & is much more responsive after a cleanup of the map code. A new indicator effect makes finding your spot in the galaxy easier as well.

-Performance Tuning in the main gameplay, Crafting & Star Map states has made memory consumption more stable and as a result of less frequent garbage collection there are fewer dropped frames when things get intensive.

-The new Boost Toggle Option when enabled lets you toggle boost on/off by tapping either shift key instead of holding it down.

-Shuttles now tractor into the shuttle bay when they are close to the ship, making it much easier to grab them after they pick up resources.

-Bugfixes/Tweaks: Event and Schematic text issues, detour warping/collision issues and many star map quirks were ironed out in this build

I would love to hear your thoughts on the changes and if they make your experience better or worse, I plan to do more updates in the future based on the feedback I get here on the forums. Thanks everyone!

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