The Ship: Remasted Dedicated Servers are live!

Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2023
The Ship: Murder Party Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG
Developer: Outerlight Ltd.
Release Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006

Ahoy Shipmates!

With the latest patch we’ve moved Dedicated Servers to the open seas and out of the testing drydock! This will allow for the setup of Dedicated Servers that don't require the The Ship: Remasted to be running. If you are hosting a Dedicated Server you will need to ensure your ports are open so that people can see the server and connect.

Opening your ports

If you wish to run a dedicated server please open the following ports;

  • TCP/UDP 7776-7778
  • TCP/UDP 443

The server.cfg file uses 7777 as the default, if you change this then make sure you open one more and one less than this, e.g. If your default is 6555, open ports 6554-6556.

Anyone is now free to host a Dedicated Server. This can be done two ways:

Downloading and running the server anonymously

You do not need to own The Ship: Remasted or have the steam client running to run a server anonymously. This is perfect if you want to run a Remasted Dedicated Server on some dedicated hardware.

Download the server files from here and unzip them to a folder where you would like to install the game.

Then double click the “Run_DedicatedServer.bat” file and it will automatically download all the files needed to run a Remasted Dedicated Server. Note: every time this batch file is run it will check for updates, so whenever a new patch is out re-run the batch file to keep the server up-to-date.

If you wish to change the server rules to a configuration of your own making, be sure to look at the README.txt file found in the ‘Remasted Dedicated’ folder. This explains how to make your own ‘server.cfg’ and change the batch files to use your configuration instead of the default one.

Downloading and running through steam

The other way to launch a Dedicated Server is to download and run it using Steam. Doing it this way will require you to own The Ship: Remasted and be logged into your Steam account.

Download the server tool from within Steam (Library > Tools > Right Click ‘The Ship: Remasted Dedicated Server > Install).

Game settings can be edited in the various files located in the TSRDS_1 folder (...steamapps\common\The Ship Remasted Dedicated Server\TSRDS_1). If this file is not present, running the Dedicated Server once will automatically create this folder. Opening the server.cfg with a program such as notepad++ will allow you to tweak game settings, such as Server Name, password, Map and Score Limit. The mapcycle text file, in the same folder, can be edited with the list of ships you want the server to cycle through and in what order.

Note: If you are only trying to join a server you may not need to open any ports depending on your setup. Any Dedicated Servers that are running will appear in the Join Server menu in-game under ‘Dedicated’ or ‘All’ tabs if you have the same version number of the game as the server. All servers appear in the Steam Server browser and they indicate which version of the game they are running. If you try to join a server with the wrong version number you will be taken to the main menu of the game.

Other additions

Aside from the Dedicated Servers, the team have been hard at work tweaking existing features and squashing those pesky little (and sometimes big) bugs. We have added new audio updates, such as footsteps (thus removing those silent ninja assassins). New facial animations have also been added, meaning characters will also no longer stare blankly into the depths of your soul!

If you are playing with bots, killing them while they are in a container will no longer cause the container to become unusable.

Loyalty Discount

If you own The Ship: Murder Party you will get 25% off The Ship: Remasted. This offer has been extended until the 30th of June.

Also make sure to follow us on twitter to keep updated! (@BlazingGriffin, @TheShipGame)

Happy Hunting!

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