Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2023
Zombies on a Plane Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Shangri-La Game Studios Ltd
Release Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016
Over the past week, I, the game's creator, have spent countless hours improving and balancing the game for optimal playability and to simply make it more fun. I can positively say that the game is now much better, and all issues early players of the game have raved about in the first reviews have been addressed and fixed. I'm trying to get a price drop on Steam to reflect the user's general feeling with this being an indie game, but I'm working with Humble for quicker effect. More to come on that soon.

A full list of changes in the update are listed below:

- Plane now lands at airport in 'Defend the Cockpit' mode
- Headshots kill zombies (highly requested)
- Health of special zombies reduced
- Health of parts increased
- Zombies with legs removed move slower
- Gun unlock score more balanced
- Zombie corpses show for longer (also dismemberable)
- Clouds outside interior level add dynamism
- Specular of interior walls increased to give more realistic look
- Informative F1-HELP(CONTROLS) in-game tutorial added for all modes (no more confusion about plane controls)
- Plane gameplay redone (zombies now fall when player moves part zombie is attacking)
- Survival mode is first in game mode list
- And many other changes and improvements

I'd like to let everyone know that I've dedicated 4 whole years of my personal life to Zombies on a Plane, and the amount of time you lose for the other stuff in life and the stress you get from spending hour-after-hour living in a soul-crushing development cycle of little sleep and no pay is something that should be acknowledged. So please re-review the game if you have already given it a negative review since this new update makes many changes based on the feedback and several important improvements that should change your mind.

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