Version 2.0.12 - Balance Patch

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022
Zombie Estate 2 Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Sad Spaghetti Entertainment
Release Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017

Balance Patch

This is the first of many balance tweak patches for the game. I've buffed/nerfed some low hanging fruit, but I am aware there are things that still need tweaking, such as Minions.

Game Difficulty

  • Reduced the first few waves' zombie counts.
  • Further reduce the drop rate of ammo, money, and health packs as zombie count gets higher.

I'm hearing both that the game is too brutal and too easy... So I've taken a few steps to balance out the difficulty a bit. This should make the beginning of the game a bit easier, while making the late game more difficult by reducing ammo, money, and health pack drops. I am keeping a close eye on this and will continue to tweak as necessary. There are a *lot* of variables that go into this, so a delicate touch is necessary.


  • Buff fire rate and reload rate of the Tundra Falcon (John's starting weapon.)
    John's weapon was firing too slow causing his opening waves to be more difficult than most other characters.

  • Nikta Beam now has a 100% chance to bounce off walls up to 3 times.
    The Nikta Beam was much weaker than it should have been at it's price point. Now that the bullets bounce, players can fire it in narrow hallways, or on long straight paths, to have the ricochet take out additional zombies.

  • Mining Helmet now properly increases explosive damage by 25%.
    The tooltip was correct, but the stat increase was accidentally set to 15%.


  • Frost Arrow cost increase and rate of fire decrease.
    The Frost Arrow was vastly out-classing weapons of similar cost. While I don't want to over-nerf, I've increased the price a bit while reducing the rate of fire.

  • Life Steal overall reduced.
    Towards the end of development, I changed how life steal was calculated requiring I reduce the life steal % on various weapons. I missed a couple, including Dave's Rake, causing them to make their wielder's nearly invincible.

  • Deluxe Nurse Hat Z-Point cost raised to 120.
    This hat was mistakenly priced at 40 points.

And last but not least, in appreciation for all your support, I've added a new hat!

Thanks everyone, and as always, please let me know if you run into any issues! I will be continuing to knock out my bug list this week.


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