This Valentine's Day, say it with Strider.

Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025
STRIDER™ / ストライダー飛竜® Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Double Helix Games
Release Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014

This Valentines Day… say it with Strider

So while Capcom Unity's Gregaman and Chris Antista were gathering footage from just about every Strider game and in-game appearance for their amazing, colossal Strider retrospective, they began to notice a startling trend. Strider Hiryu, despite having been a famously lethal, acrobatic badass for over two decades, gets smack talked with astounding regularity. Even when he’s just scaled a massive satellite dish or finished slicing through a robot gorilla, there’s no shortage of naysayers waiting in the wings to call him foolish and weak. As a tribute to that disrespectful treatment and this ultra-mushy day of days, Capcom Unity has fashioned a handful of Valentine delights featuring classic Strider trash talk. XOXO

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