Patch 5.0.0

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2024
Game: Wyrmsun
Wyrmsun Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Andrettin
Release Date: Fri, 22 May 2015
Patch 5.0.0 is finally here! This new major version of the game thoroughly reworks the game's menus, input system and rendering to make use of the Qt Framework, allowing for a technical modernization of many aspects. This move also made it possible for the game to now run under borderless fullscreen.

A few new upgrades have also been added, namely Oil Lamp (+ sight for buildings), Furor Teutonicus (+ damage for infantry, specific to the Teutonic civilization) and House-Burning (+ damage vs. buildings for infantry), specific to the Norse civilization).

Since this new update contains major changes, with many menus having been reworked, the previous version (4.1.4) remains available as a branch, in case anyone wishes to roll back.


- 5.0.0 Changelog

* Buildings
- Town halls, strongholds, mines and hunting lodges no longer leave a destroyed building "corpse".

* Encyclopedia
- Added support for encyclopedia entries having links to each other.
- Updated the literary texts for the encyclopedia, streamlining them (removing footnotes and the "|" character which denoted a caesura/break within a verse).

* Factions
- Fixed the requirements string for the Shadowcharm Clan faction.
- Renamed the "Goth Tribe" to "Gothic Tribe", the "Ostrogoth Tribe" to "Ostrogothic Tribe" and the "Visigoth Tribe" to "Visigothic Tribe".
- Renamed the "Swede Tribe" to "Swedish Tribe".

* Heroes
- It is no longer possible to start a custom game with a custom hero, they must now be recruited as other heroes are.
- Updated the hero symbol icon to use a frame, to make it more visible on the map.

* Items
- Added "Curupira's" magic prefix for weapons (+3 fire damage).
- Added Potion of Mana.
- Made it so the Elixir of Vitality has a purple color (previously it was gray), to make it more distinct from the Elixir of Dexterity (which is black).

* Map Editor
- Fixed crash which occurred when pressing the "OK" button in the player properties dialog.
- Fixed issue which caused solid overlay tiles to not be displayed in the editor.
- Removed the old mod creation tools from the map editor, due to the amount of maintenance they required, as well as their reliance on outdated parts of the engine. A mod creation user interface may come back in some form in the future.

* Miscellaneous
- Removed the No Randomness and No Day/Night Cycle options.
- Fixed crash which occurring when accessing Goblin sound options within a game.
- Removed the faction dropdown from the custom game menu, as a faction prompt already comes when starting the game.
- Removed the tech tree level dropdowns from the custom game menu.
- Persistent data (e.g. hero levels or quest completion) will no longer be altered during a game if a cheat was used.

* Mods
- Removed the mods submenu, as it only supported mods in an old format.

* Quests
- Added a couple of side-quests which only occur on certain days of the week in the real world with the objective of acquiring the upgrade of the corresponding deity, for the Norse and Anglo-Saxon civilizations. For instance, the Norse "Tysdag" quest only occurs on a Tuesday, and has the objective of choosing the Tyr deity.
- Added two side-quests for the Germanic civilization to build smithies.

* Scenarios
- Fixed crash which occurred when starting the Thunraz's Servant scenario.
- Added more predefined settlement territories for the Earth map.
- Added starting caravan for the Goldhoof Clan in the A Home in the Fields of Sand scenario.
- Added the Heimdall's Stones unique building to the new Earth map for the correct start dates.
- The A Home in the Fields of Sand scenario now starts during summer.
- Improved the quality of the projection used for the Earth map.

* Terrain
- Added new dry mud and mud decoration tiles.
- Dry Grass terrain no longer becomes covered in snow during winter.

* Units
- Fixed crash which occurred when a ranged unit was garrisoned inside a caravan while near enemies.
- Increased Spearman damage from 5 to 6.
- Minecarts can now move diagonally, and can move outside of railroads with a large speed penalty (-5).

* Upgrades
- Added Oil Lamp upgrade (+1 sight range for buildings), researchable at the Market.
- Added the Furor Teutonicus upgrade for the Teutonic civilization (+2 Damage for infantry), researchable at the Barracks.
- Added the House-Burning upgrade for the Norse civilization (+20% Bonus vs. Buildings for infantry), researchable at the Barracks.

* User Interface
- Reworked the main menu to be QML-based.
- F11 is now the screenshot hotkey.
- Reworked the game's rendering system, graphical interface and input system to use the Qt Framework.
- The game is now always in borderless fullscreen mode, as the new UI framework supports that. The main purpose of the windowed mode was to allow alt-tabbing seamlessly, which the borderless fullscreen mode also provides. And unlike the old fullscreen functionality, this supports any resolution.
- Reworked the tech tree menu.
- The scenario menu is now depicted as a tree.
- Added a submenu for managing custom heroes, and made it possible to add a description to them.

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