Welcome 2018!

Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2024
Game: Anyland
Anyland Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, Massively Multiplayer
Developer: Anyland + Manyland
Release Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2016
Hi everyone! Here's what's new recently!

- You can now auto-play a video when one joins the area! Copy a video URL to the clipboard, then go to a thing part's "..." options, press the 🛈 next to "Video screen", and hit the paste button there.

- Similar to above, you can click the 🛈 next to the "Video button" option to have a video be auto-played when that button is pressed!

- The backside of the video control dialog now lets you copy the currently playing video URL to the clipboard!

Fordring Starport by Thifa & Nic

- There's the new Me "..." setting button "Lock features"! It will guide you to setting up a features.json file with which you can restrict certain features, like the ring menu, creating or changing the area, useful for e.g. demoing Anyland to a group of people or in a VR Arcade! Thanks Lichen & Toshi!

- The new command "show chat keyboard" opens the text chat keyboard, useful for instance as an attached button if you want to use text chat when in VR! Thanks Thifa!

- You can now press "e" to use the walk laser in desktop mode, in case WASD doesn't suffice in a situation! Thanks Bulb & Gamedrix!

- You can now have a specific sound be played with surround sound (the same volume at any distance) using "play with surround"! Thanks Lynk!

- You can now use "When told by body jumping" for desktop mode! Thanks Nebula!

- There's a new thing attribute: "Avoid auto sounds"! It will mute sounds like the bounce for bouncy things, or shatter sounds. Thanks Michael, Nic, everyone!

- Another new thing attribute is "Avoid auto haptic feedback"! It will avoid the controller vibration when holding something that emits. Thanks Michael!

- There's a new "resize nearby to N%" command so you can shrink or grow people! Thanks Lynk, Walker, everyone!

- There's a new Me Settings button at the back of the Create dialog, taking you right to toggle options like "stop scripts", "show grid" and so on even while creating! Thanks Spelled & everyone!

- We fixed an issue with the inventory freezing for the session when it's paged or closed too fast! Thanks Nic!

- There's a new keyword to repeat any played sound a specific number of times! Use e.g. "When touched then play doorbell with 2 repeats" to have it be repeated twice after playing (up to 50 times; note you can also use the singular word as in "1 repeat"). Thanks Nic & Lynk!

- The message on desktop mode now automatically disappears after 5 seconds. Thanks Spelled, Nic, everyone!

- The characters "' & ," are now allowed in area renames!

- When playing sounds, you can now combine reversals with pitch changes! Thanks Howls!

- In desktop mode while entering text, you can now use the left/ right arrows to move back/ forward a letter (or a whole word, if Ctrl is held)! You can also keep the key held to move in fast succession.

Delco, Jinx & Emily

- Creation tools trials are now 1 month instead of 1 week, and newcomers are immediately set to the first trial month without having to go through the payment options dialog! (Also, the payment dialog now makes it clearer that the free trial is extendable again after the month.) Thanks Bboy, everyone!

- We revamped how headlights work (headlights are the invisible lights above your head to shine even when it's dark)! They are now much brighter if the sun isn't up, and follow you around instantly & precisely (as opposed to softly delayed & in a grid as before). This allows a clearer look on dialogs and while creating even in dark surroundings. Thanks Bboy & everyone!

- No Skynet!

Thanks everyone for your suggestions & feedback & being in Anyland!

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