1.3.5 - Winter Update

Author: From Steam
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024
Unfortunate Spacemen Game Banner
Genre: Action, Free to Play, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Geoff 'Zag' Keene
Release Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2020

It's that time again, persons of space; PATCH DAY.

With 1.3 we introduced PERKAGEDDON -- our complete perk overhaul -- and now with 1.3.5, we're hardening that update and improving the all-around quality of the game. We targeted several large bugs, tweaked a ton of perks that needed tweaking, hit some key quality of life pieces, and laid some groundwork for what's to come!

Strap on your helmets. Let's dive in to the major gameplay changes!

Shorter Round Length

We noticed a large number of games were going on a bit longer than necessary, particularly when there was only one Spaceman left. We'd see a match effectively conclude 10 minutes in, and then the next 3 to 5 minutes are spent watching 2 players try to outjuke or avoid each other. Turns out, that's not very fun for everyone else!

In this update, when Last Man Standing is triggered, the Rescue Shuttle will now arrive even if Tasks are not complete. This is done in order to force a final confrontation between the remaining Spaceman and Monster. And don't worry; the Pilot explains his bold actions.

Magnetic Boots and EMEs

In order to bring back "Canning" deaths (Spacemen being shoved into Emergency Mass Ejectors) and require Spacemen to use more caution around these objects, we have COMPLETELY REMOVED the ability for Magnetic Boots to stop you from being ejected from an Emergency Mass Ejector. A large majority of players felt this lessened the fun of being the Monster, especially since Magnetic Boots are being run by the majority of players, especially new players.

Magnetic Boots will still behave as they have before in all other aspects, stopping ejection from Airlocks and so on. We will monitor this change closely alongside the other perk changes in this patch.

Door Lock Readability

When doors are locked, there is now a large LOCKED icon over the front of them for better readability. No longer will you smash your face into doors! As much. We hope.

Air-Dodging For All!

All Monsters can now dodge while airborne and no longer require Claws Upon Claws to perform this maneuver. By default, this is performed by pressing Left ALT while in Monster Form.

Earlier Perk Unlocks

Many perks (especially ones that we feel are better for new players) were too deep into the progression tree, so we've shuffled some perks around a bit, primarily giving some perks a bit sooner to help new players survive, learn the game, and try out more unique playstyles.

  • Investigator now unlocks at 12 (was 24)
  • VIP Keycard now unlocks at rank 3 (was 4)
  • Welder now unlocks at rank 5 (was 6)
  • Springy Step now unlocks at rank 6 (was 7)
  • Blast Shield now unlocks at rank 9 (was 10)
  • Janitor now unlocks at rank 10 (was 12)
  • Nimble now unlocks at rank 23 (was 26)

Undead Space

The Monster's Corpse Lord perk has received some major tuning. We felt as though zombies weren't common enough and it's difficult to get traction for most players.

  • Antibodies no longer block Zombification.
  • Increased Zombification damage debuff duration from 1 second after taking damage to 5 seconds.
  • Zombies can no longer activate Space Milk teleport if they were Space Milking as they became Zombified.
  • Zombie sounds are now about 2x louder, to make it more clear when a zombie IS a zombie.

Development on Decoys

The Monster's Decoy Perk received a bunch of improvements to make it more useful to our most crafty players.

  • A decoy will now spawn from the location of the Remote Arm every time a Remote Arm is used.
  • Decoy can now be spawned by pressing RMB (alt-fire) while Burrowed. Once every 8 seconds.
  • Decoys now show as Monster on the Overhead Map when viewed using a Scanner.
  • Decoy now blocks Health Station from detecting you as the Monster. (This has been removed from Membrane.)

More Lockdowns

The Monster's Lockdown Perk has received a big buff, and will probably receive another in the future.

  • Reduced cooldown on ability to 60 seconds, down from 120 seconds.

The Drip

Enough about gameplay, you're here for the cosmetics, right?

(All store items can be purchased via the in-game customization screen or by visiting the Item Store.)

  • Snowbomination: Space is cold, but you're even colder. Maybe there was a shapeshifting mixup with a snowman, or maybe you've been brought to life by a magical space-carrot. Either way, you're here to chill your victims to the bone.

  • Gaseous Helmet Bundle: Looking to slink through a nuclear wasteland? Well, space will have to do. At least it's mostly radioactive. This super cheap bundle features 6 Rare hooded helmets with various gas mask designs.

  • Samurai Helmet: You're either honorable, or a bad guy. Heck, you might be both.

  • Taccom Helmet: Bring your tactical best with this sleek new helm!

  • Receiver Helmet: Tune in with this watchable new helmet!

  • Tinman Helmet: Breath deep with this new biohazard helmet!


It wouldn't be a Spaceman patch without some crossover content! This update sees a whole bundle of ULTRAKILL crossover content, and a Stationeers helmet! Free for owners of both games!

  • Gabriel Voice Pack: Bring the angelic fury with Gabriel's voice from ULTRAKILL! Voiced by Gianni himself, receive this voice pack for owning ULTRAKILL on Steam!

  • Judgement Helmet: You get what you pray for. For owning ULTRAKILL on Steam, receive this holy adornment for your Spaceman.

  • Blood Machine Monster Skin: BLOOD IS FUEL! For owning ULTRAKILL on Steam, receive this deadly new robotic Monster Skin!

  • Stationeer Helmet: Make science your ally! For owning Stationeers on Steam, receive this bulbous new helmet!

Note: As requested, we are planning to make Crossover Items purchasable independently on the Item Store in the future.


But that's not all, the changes continue...

Dedicated to Servers

A new Server Config Setting has been added! "AllowsModeratorsToBan" (false by default) will allow moderators to ban users on your server, as well as manage the ban list. This will allow your moderators to have better control over the server, without giving them access to everything.

Notable Map Changes

We're spending a little bit of time touching up areas of the maps that we feel lack readability, or simply could use some visual polishing. There are many, and we will be working through them over time. Most of our goals are focused on making certain parts of maps feel distinct from other parts, to aid players in navigating these spaces. Sometimes, it's because Maddok looked at a room Zag created and said "By Jub, who let you use the editor?!"


  • Yellow Lunchroom has received some visual improvements.
  • Laboratory has received some visual improvements.


  • Orange Building Interior has received new furnishings.
  • Some archways have received improved artwork.
  • Painted a building red by North Landing Pad to help with navigation and break up the grayness of it all.

Shooting Range

  • The entire field can now be accessed on foot. Enjoy!

Duress in Distress

Duress, arguably one of our weakest and worst-performing maps, will likely be receiving a larger rework in the near future. This will likely include the removal of Duress from the map rotation (and game files) while we rework it, replacing it with the next upcoming map, Kema, which is now scheduled for 1.4 -- the very next update.

Alongside these changes, we're targeting some reworks to two of other weaker maps. Tidal Lock (mostly removal of the bottom floor) and The Experiment (greater expansion of the playable area.) These will arrive in whichever update makes the most sense. We'll let you know more as we develop these changes!

As usual, we have loads more detail you can view in THE FULL PATCH NOTES including numerous bug fixes, quality-of-life improvements, and more!

Also T-Shirts are still available


What's Next?

We spent a lot of 2020 figuring out what we wanted from the game, and how to best scale it up to meet our ambitions. We know what we want for 2021. And we know exactly what YOU want, too.

Next update (1.4) will focus on a major voice chat overhaul, and then we're on to 1.5; The Traitor Update, featuring a new antagonist role, and where you'll learn a little bit about the competing BRIGADE organization, and what drives them to see The Company fall.

You can view our shorter-term plans on the Development Starmap, and we'll see you in SPACE!


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