Patch Notes

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023
Countrified Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, RPG, Simulation
Developer: Avelar Studios
Release Date: Sun, 23 May 2021
//- Changed forest tree mesh
//- Reworked drop menu
//- Decrease Hawk speed
//- Updated Blazer Scope's marks.
//- In some areas the Medium City's foliage was redone.
//- Now radbox is despawning after 5 minutes
//- Now toasted foods gives more food points
//- Now when you load your character, if you had a group after logout, it is also loaded.

//- Fixed mouse sensivity not being updated when changed in game.
//- Fixed giving other rock instead torch when respawning.
//- Fixed getting radiation points instead lose when drinking from a well.
//- Fixed character reopening his eyes after changing his bag.
//- Fixed pickable items falling through landscape
//- Fixed crouch nor working properly
//- Fixed a lot of things in containers system
//- Fixed hard to fill water bottle in rivers
//- Fixed dedicated server not loading items properly
//- Fixed pants material
//- Fixed being hitted with meele weapons by a friend
//- Fixed invunerable character's material lasting forever.
//- Fixed cannot interact when placing things.

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