Updated to HD

Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024
Game: Sig.NULL
Sig.NULL Game Banner
Genre: Casual, Indie
Developer: SaintHeiser
Release Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016
This is a HD version of game, which was released 3 years ago at XBOX. This version has many improvements, mostly with visuals and usability. But also I had forced to remove some features. The full change-list bellow.

Good news:

  • Remastered visuals
  • Improved UX with various hints (for buttons and in-game elements)
  • New levels selection - it's more easy to navigate now
  • Now user can view his best solution for each level with "replay record" option.
  • Added Russian language
  • Full HD support
  • New music for some locations (e.g. Infected and Unallocated sectors)
  • Added intro and outro cutscenes

Bad news:

  • Old save files are incompatible with new version of the game, sorry =(
  • Removed Achievement "HTTP to HTTPS" which had no sense. All other achievements are the same except "#100 (Continue)" which now can be obtained by completing "Rules" puzzle at the main menu.
  • Removed in-game leaderboards. But I'm ready to return them by massive users request.

Despite this all, I hope, all of you will enjoy with updated version of this game!

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