Update (v3.69): StarMap/WarpGate Color Coding

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024
Game: Planetship
Planetship Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: LaserWzzrd Games
Release Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015
Hey spacebrains! After looking over the feedback from the new release I made some updates that are feeling pretty nice, I hope you'll dig em!

-Star Map / Warp Gate Color Coding: Now the Systems displayed on the Star Map have unique colors assigned to them with corresponding colors blended into the Warp Gate effects, making it MUCH easier to warp to a specific unknown System. Thanks to Demon Bean for the feedback on this!

-System info text in the Star Map is now color-coded by Planet/System type and scrolls by 100x faster, making it much more useful and faster to visually parse.

-Star Map node selection has changed, getting rid of the need to precisely rotate the camera to select a node. It should be simpler to quickly swipe over a node to see it's stats and fast travel to it right away.

-Elemental Pickups: The resource amount has been rebalanced for these pickups, making it much easier to find enough of the elements you need to build schematics in the Crafting menu. They also attract to the player a bit faster, making grabbing a grip of these even faster!

-Bugfixes: Spawn point is pulled out to avoid getting hit right as you enter a system, your view is auto-aligned on warp to keep from getting disoriented after warping, your weapons are removed on death (Thanks for catching that .gnosis!)

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