BWM Episode 3 Update v2.0.0.

Author: From Steam
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024
Bear With Me - Episode One Game Banner
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Developer: Exordium Games
Release Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2016

  • Added short cutscene after credits screen
  • Updated some achievements graphics
  • Ambient sounds now play through SFX channel
  • Minor localisation fixes
  • Ted does not have Utility Belt after Police Station gameplay anymore (he returned it to CBG)
  • Skyscraper base, misleading Walkie-Talkie hint swapped with better one
  • Tweaked various sounds, animations and assets, done better processing for some voice overlays, added thunder sounds on various scenes, adjusted rain VFX etc.

Have a great Halloween and watch out for the Red menace that is troubling the Paper City, where is he, can you stop him and save the city from the fires and total destruction!?

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