Author: From Steam
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024
KINGDOMS Game Banner
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early Access
Developer: Oreol
Release Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015
Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!
We're moving further and further along the roadmap and today's update will be about additional dialogs. Now player can ask about single male or female settlers in the settlement. This should help a bit in finding a potential partner. Also, as you remember last update added wetness mechanics and new type of tools - rusty ones. Now player can fix these in blacksmiths.
Also, few bugs were fixed, some (i.e. looped animations in war-camp) were quite annoying. That's it for today, have a nice play!


  • Now player can ask settler to mark random male settler without a couple on the map;
  • Now player can ask settler to mark random female settler without a couple on the map;
  • Now player can fix rusty tools in blacksmith ("Novice blacksmith" perk is required);
  • Now settlers can be withdrawn from the war-camp just by changing their job;
  • New quest was added "Wife is asking for crystals";
  • New quest was added "Baker needs a LOT of flour";
  • Now when settlement was conquered all settlers professions will be automatically reset;


  • Fixed issue with bugged emerald rings naming;
  • Fixed issue when settler couldn't be withdrawn from the war-camp even if removed from the army completely;
  • Fixed issue when settlers could "stuck" at the war-camp in the same position sometimes;
  • Fixed issue when settler could stuck in the looped war camp building animation;
  • Fixed text error in Quest "Bring onion for trader";
  • Fixed issue when farmer could stuck in front of his house for a long time sometimes;
  • Fixed issue when animals models could suddenly disappear in front of player sometimes;
  • Fixed issue when no crystals could spawn in the cave;
  • Fixed issue when blacksmith in the settlement didn't craft rings sometimes;
  • Fixed issue when guard was fired he/she still was doing the duty;
  • Fixed issue when farmers couldn't buy food in tavern sometimes;


  • Russian translation was updated;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, I try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.
4) You can support development of KINGDOMS on my official Patreon page.
Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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