Author: From Steam
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Tango Fiesta Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Spilt Milk Studios Ltd
Release Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015
The day has finally arrived! We’ve launched straight out of Early Access, there’s a MASSIVE launch discount (particularly the 4 pack) and a ton of new content! Read on for details...

To be specific:

Tango Fiesta is now v1.0! It is no longer in Early Access, but in Steam as a full product!

We’re doing a launch week deal where the game is 33% off! And we’ve reduced the price of the 4 pack so low that you can get it for less than twice the price of the single game!

We’ve updated the game with World 5 - fighting through the toxic rust belt of future Detroit, alongside Bionic Cop! So that’s 3 new levels, a brand new boss fight, 3 new weapons, 7 new enemies and some environmental hazards to fight against!

We’ve unlocked the full story mode! Just play the game as you normally would to experience the true story behind all your favourite 80’s action movies!

But that’s not all. We’re too stuck in the Early Access mindset to leave it be. There’s a ton of stuff we’d like to release into the game over the coming weeks, and here are some of the highlights you can look forward to!

Linux build!

Soon. We’d rather release it as bug free as possible, so we’re holding off for the moment.

New objective types!

We know some of you play the game so much you already want to see new challenges, so Hostage Rescue, Intel Hunt and more will be added to the game across every level, mixing into that procedural goodness.

New Game Plus!

Again you guys and gals keep tearing through it, so we’ll make sure you can keep playing and the game will just get harder and harder. Let’s sort the men from the boys and the women from the girls - we might even throw in a few twists to keep it really interesting.

Steam Workshop!

We’ve been trying to make sure this is bug free, but we’re just not happy releasing it at the moment. As soon as we are, you’ll be able to create your own heroes and play as them online and off, as well as share them with other players via steam!

More cool stuff!

Want a new gun? Or a new hero? Or even a new level based on your favourite movie? Why not suggest it in the discussion forums right now - we’re incredibly open to suggestions!

Some of these we promised from the start, others are ideas we’ve had brewing for ages - and we can’t wait to get all of them into your hands as soon as we can! Meanwhile, the trailer’s on the store page above here!


If you enjoy the game, please do consider leaving a review, it helps a lot.


If you encounter any bugs, please do let us know in the discussion forums. We’ll be keeping an eagle eye on it all and addressing any nasty bugs in the most sensible way we possibly can.

Now back to normal, here’s the details of the changes that you can expect to see, compared to the last Early Access update we did.


Brand New

Full story mode that stretches across every single one of the 20 levels.
3 new levels, including PUKE, a toxic hazard that could ruin your day.
7 new enemies, from the knife wielding Punks to the homing-RPG toting Riot Police, and even horrendous experiments gone rogue!
3 new weapons. The handy Muzzletite Puppy, the explosive Rocket Launcher and the poisonous Sludge Grenade. Unlock them through playing the new Bionic Cop world!
1 new boss. But we’ll keep him a secret. He’s the final boss!


Yatcha bleeds when you attack her. And as you know, if it bleeds, we can kill it
Bushes in Jungle die in a flurry of leaves
Ghost Trap has new explosion gfx
Reduced radius on Molotov
All boss fights now spawn goons as backup
Added 'noise' of single corridor bits to edges of rooms on the bounds of a map.
Bushes slow down the player in Jungle
Cobwebs slow down the player in Ghoul Squad
Full localisation of entire game, menus and story into French, German and Russian
Shop music now plays in the Gun Shop
Halved the time it takes to Hack a Radio Tower OBJ
‘TF’ room added to each world’s random generation
Spilt Milk logo splash screen added to boot up
Choppers now pick a new location only half the distance away compared to the previous system, to reduce backtracking
New cloud graphics in Island
All bosses now use a set seed each to ensure a fun battle arena


Bad guys & Killionaire bosses no longer spawn in walls
Player no longer has to tap 'swap weapon' twice for player to swap weapon
Co-op revival pop up bubbles now disappear when revival is complete
Metal objects have their own death noise
Hitting Start button on gamepads now unpauses the game if player is in any pause menu
Fixed a random bootup crash
After boss fights, locked guns are no longer available to the player
All dead zombies are removed from play
Invisible Hunter in Jungle no longer has visible large Arius A1 in its hands
Game no longer moves projectiles etc when new boss enters the fray in Killionaire
Game no longer unresponsive if a player backs out of the locked and loaded state
Game no longer gets confused about player slots if a player drops out during a revival
Pits now appear in Killionaire 100% of the time
Zombies rebalanced
Ghosts rebalanced
All ghost types now attack correctly
Killing a Radio Guy while they’re summoning enemies no longer bugs them out
All enemies attack the player during Let Off Some Steam
Player unfreezes at correct location if hit by Dr Frosty during Hack objective interaction
Player animates fully when unfrozen
Game sticks to spawn limits on all levels for all enemies.
Choppers no longer move out of bounds


Players can Invite friends via steam inlay
Client now sees props being removed.
Client vs Host revival systems all working
Client now has all enemies able to attack them
Client now sees all dead enemies die correctly
Clients no longer stops receiving packets when an objective gets damaged
Client now sees health bar on Choppers
Client now sees Chopper get destroyed
Host now sees Chopper shooting.
Clients now see Chopper bullets
Client’s second played level no longer auto-completes
Champion enemies now behave correctly on client side (faster bullets etc)
Host no longer crashes on boss loads from level-3 of any world.
All bosses behave as designed online.
Landmines now sync across networks
Client now sends adequate info on Host restart after death
Client cannot pause the game, but can access pause menus.
If host swaps weapon, game no longer crashes for everyone
If client swaps weapon they no longer get stuck in an endless swapping of weapons
When someone swaps a weapon, it is now seen by all other players
If host chooses to 'restart' mission after it fails the game no longer freezes on loading
Client no longer sees mist behind the ground tiles in Ghoul Squad
Gamepad now behaves properly on Lobby menu.
Host now sees Client progress to weapon select if Client backs up after being locked in.
Objective management on networking no longer gives rise to players inhabiting different levels (different objective types, different layout etc).
Client no longer gets super speed boost from pickups
Team Score is now sent to clients
Score popups are now appearing on clients
Combo Tracking display is now updated on clients
Story scenes are 100% controlled by the host
Grenades are all behaving properly across Host and Clients.
All bosses now work properly and as designed, across Host and Clients.

And that’s it! What a doozy!

Please do leave us a review if you enjoy the game, check out The Legend Of Tango for a short bit of fun, sign up to our mailing list to make sure you hear about any updates before anyone else, and see you all on the servers soon!

The Spilt Milk team

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