Tiny Update: v. 1.104 simultaneous gamepad + keyboard, and Trading Cards!

Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024
Halloween Forever Game Banner
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: Imaginary Monsters
Release Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016

Hey folks. There's a small update to the build today fixing an old issue preventing keyboard controls from working if you have a gamepad / controller plugged in. There have been some issues with some users having multiple controllers plugged in or partially supported controllers plugged in not being able to play the game at all since keyboard controls would be trying to map to the gamepad. Now both can work at the same time, gamepad AND keyboard. This should help people from getting locked out from playing the game at all if their device setup is unique or extensive. Lock up your cats! Also if you find some epic speedrun strats that involve gamepad and keyboard at the same time, be my guest.

This is the beginning of hopefully better input support and ux with Halloween Forever (and future games). This seemed like the lowest hanging fruit for something I could take care of in an evening. More to come.

In other news,

Trading Cards are live!

Better late than never! I kept the card set to 5 so it would be easier to collect them. Also I found another use for the Halloween Forever minicomic artwork I made almost a year ago. Anyway, enjoy them! Happy collecting, selling, and trading : >

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